由於永續議題日漸受到矚目,故不僅是消費者越來越重視,法規條文也隨之增加。因此,企業為了符合法規的規範,或塑造企業形象,而有了許多綠色措施,但有不少可能也僅僅是無實質效益的漂綠行為。故本研究為了了解漂綠趨勢脈動採用新聞資料作為研究基底,蒐集2016到2021年的英語漂綠相關新聞,加以文字探勘來找出大量文字中背後的價值,以概念連結方式找出與漂綠最具關聯性的範圍予以研究,並最後提出建議來作為本研究之貢獻。研究結果顯示,企業與政府在2016至2021年一直是新聞關注的重點對象,漂綠的手段是藉由永續報告、廣告或是其他行銷策略來替商品或品牌漂綠,其中又以石油業與金融業最為明顯,石油業僅是清洗汙染形象,但金融業會導致投資人將資金流入漂綠的產業;政府則不論是跨國政府組織或是單一國家政府都法規模稜兩可而經常受到新聞媒體監督。而最常被關注的漂綠相關議題是「氣候危機」,在研究區段內每年都被新聞媒體特別關注;其他議題僅被概括稱為「環保議題」,值得一提的是在2021年「勞動環境」首度在研究區段受到新聞媒體關切。本文最後建議企業在新聞媒體越來越關切漂綠議題的情形下,應減少使用各種行銷策略來漂綠;也建議政府及早擬定明確的法規以減少企業漂綠的發生。;As sustainability issues are gaining more attention, there is a growing concern by consumers about greenwashing and hence more regulations have also been proposed. Enterprises had taken many green practices to comply with laws and regulations or to shape their corporate image to the society, but many of them may just do greenwashing behaviors without real benefits. In order to understand the trend of greenwashing, this thesis used news as the study base, collected English news related to the keyword “Greenwashing” from 2016 to 2021, and analyzed them by concept linkage with text mining. Our study result shows that: from 2016 to 2021, enterprises and governments had been the focus of the news media. The tricks of greenwashing were using sustainability reports, advertisements or other marketing strategies to greenwash products or brands. Oil and financial industry were the most conspicuous among them. The oil industry just only cleaned up their image of pollution, but the financial industry misled investors to flow the funds into greenwashing industries. Either intergovernmental organizations or single national government was often criticized by the news media due to legislated ambiguous laws and regulations. The most frequently concerned issue related to greenwashing was the “Climate crisis”, which received special attention from the news media every year in the study period. Other issues were only roughly referred to as “Environmental”. “Working environment” was firstly concerned by the news media at 2021 in the study period. At the end of this thesis, we recommend enterprises should reduce using various marketing strategies to greenwash. While the news media are increasingly concerned about the issue of greenwashing, we also suggest governments to stipulate expressly as soon as possible to reduce the occurrence of greenwashing behaviors.