摘要: | 隨著科技的迅速發展,犯罪手法不斷改變與進化,為有效打擊犯罪,各種科技偵查手段,諸如全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、雲端搜索、設備端通訊監察、無人機或M化車等,亦隨著網際網路與行動通訊的不斷發展下應運而生,但無論是實務早有定見的全球衛星定位系統,抑或本文所欲探討的M化車定位技術,都可以發現這些科技偵查手段與傳統偵查手段間有著極大的差異,過往需要耗費大量時間與警力才能做到的事情,如今透過現代科技的輔助偵查下,已能更有效率地達成偵查目的。然而,依我國現行法律規範,能合法使用的偵查手段相當有限,執法機關所採用的偵查手段也未必有其法律依據,以科技為名之偵查手段更是備受質疑,而M化車作為我國警方目前使用中最為精確的追蹤定位設備,尤被媒體盛讚為破案神器,將其運用於犯罪偵查中,固然有立竿見影之效,卻也猶如刀刃兩面,所涉及的問題,一來是對人民基本權之干預處分,二來則是犯罪偵查效率及國家偵查公益之維護。是以,如何在兩者間取得平衡,使得執法機關將M化車定位技術運用於犯罪偵查時,有得以遵循之法律依據,並踐行正當法律程序,同時兼顧人民基本權利之保障,以符合憲法第23條之規範意旨,顯得至關重要,故本文期許透過此番研究,促使我國立法機關儘速立法規範,以落實法治國基本原則。;Criminal methods are in a constant state of change and evolution due to the exponential growth of technology. In an effort to combat crime more effectively, numerous technological surveillance methods, including Global Positioning System(GPS), Cloud Search, Source Telecommunications Surveillance, Drone and Cell-Site simulators(M-car), have come to light since the development of the internet and mobile communication. However, the legal regulation in Taiwan currently imposes significant restrictions on the methods of surveillance that are considered permissible. The legality of the surveillance methods utilized by government agencies may be questionable, and operations ostensibly justified by technological advancements have been subject to considerable criticism. The media has lavished praise on the utilization of M-car, the most accurate monitoring and locating device presently implemented by law enforcement agencies in Taiwan, for its effectiveness in solving crimes. The implementation of this technology in criminal investigations has produced prompt outcomes, however, it also poses a dual-edged situation. The matters at hand comprise, at first, interference upon fundamental rights and, secondly, the delicate balance between safeguarding the public interest in national surveillance and ensuring the efficacy of criminal investigations. Hence, achieving a harmonious balance between allowing law enforcement agencies to utilize M-car tracking technology for criminal investigations grounded in a solid legal foundation and in accordance with appropriate legal procedures, and safeguarding the fundamental rights of the populace in accordance with the intent of Article 23 of the Constitution, is of the utmost importance. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to persuade the legislature of Taiwan to expeditiously implement regulations, thereby safeguarding the fundamental principles of the rule of law in Taiwan. |