在現今網路快速發展的年代,網際網路已將人們帶入更高速的時代,街頭巷尾林立的網咖,顯示網際網路已成為生活不可或缺的一部,行動通訊也隨著這股熱潮快速興起,而下一個網路世代,即無線上網。然而,目前網際網路上盛行的IP協定並不適用於無線傳輸,故必須利用IETF所提出移動IP機制,讓使用者隨時隨地能夠連上網際網路,而無須修改其內部系統設定,卻也產生一個嚴重繞路問題:三角路由。然而網際網路的資料量也以指數成長,越來越多人使用網路傳輸資料,造成了網路上流量太大,現行網路骨幹無法負荷使用者的要求:高傳輸率、低阻塞、低延遲的要求,藉由IETF所提出MPLS架構,可以大大提升整個網路的運作效能。未來網路技術發展朝向在高傳輸能力和高移動力兩方面上,本論文將整合MPLS與Mobile IP,利用動態LSP的設置,減少三角路由的延遲,並設定LSP的存活時間,增加標籤的使用效能。 The Internet has become the part of life and mobile telecommunication becomes more and more popular. But IP protocol doesn’t support mobile telecommunication. So we have to use another protocol, Mobile IP, to support it. It allows a mobile node to be always addressable by its home address without changing its IP address, regardless of its current point of attachment to the Internet. But it also brings a serious routing problem, triangle routing. Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) combines the efficiency and simplicity of IP routing together with the high-speed switching of ATM. It can support the requests for high transmission rate, low block rate and low latency. By MPLS protocols, we can promote the performance of network. The development of network technology in the future is forward to high transmission rate and high motive power. This thesis would integrate both the Mobile IP and MPLS protocols. We take advantage of dynamic LSP to reduce the delay of triangle routing and set the lifetime of LSPs to increase the performance of label usage.