I 摘要 切換式磁阻馬達(Switched Reluctance Motor;SRM)具有低成 本、效率高優點之驅動馬達,由於無整流子及碳刷,適用於高速運轉, 在一般工業應用場合中切換式磁阻馬達的應用目前都是速度控制,至 於位置控制的應用尚未有相關文獻報告,在機械運動中,好的致動器 除了要能做速度控制外,也要能做位置控制,如此的致動器方能被廣 泛應用。 因此,本文提出二種滑動模式控制方法將切換式磁阻馬達應用 於位置控制,其一為改善最佳控制方法易受干擾影響之缺點,設計出 基於最佳控制之全不變性滑動模式控制(Total Sliding Mode Control; TSMC)之切換式磁阻馬達定位控制器,改善系統擾動對位移之影 響。另者為保證系統軌跡完全遵循所設定的梯形速度軌跡,本論文利 用滑動模式之不變性特性設計多段式滑動模式控制(Multi-Segment Sliding Mode Control;MSSMC) 梯形之速度軌跡控制器,改善轉速 及加速度超越量問題,以獲得更精確的定位控制。 最後,為證實本論文提出之方法在切換式磁阻馬達位移控制之 可行性,本論文除了以軟體進行模擬驗證外,並以馬達專用DSP 配 合硬體電路完成切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統,進行實際驗證,由實驗結 果可知本論文提出之切換式磁阻馬達位移控制方法確實可行。 Abstract Since the switched reluctance motor(SRM) has high starting torque and high speed operation characteristics, it is good adaptation for industrial application. No thesis about position control of SRM was publicly discussed until today. The purpose of this paper implemented the position control of SRM. Two control strategy is proposed. The first, one of control strategy used total sliding mode control law(TSMC) which was designed same performance described by linear-quadratic(LQ) method. TSMC improve perturbation of position due to parameter variation and load disturbance. Secondly, this paper propose multi-segment sliding mode control (MSSMC) to solve a particular increment motion control problem specified by a trapezoidal velocity profile. Each segment of the multi-segment switch surfaces is designed to match the corresponding part. Finally, a digital signal processor(DSP)-base experiment SRM system is built to demonstrate all the proposed algorithms.