高速低功率P型矽鍺金氧半電晶體之研究 摘 要 本論文的研究重點,在於研究矽鍺金氧半電晶體在高速低功率電路之應用,因此我們實際製作了矽鍺通道結構的P型金氧半電晶體,並利用基板偏壓及低頻雜訊等量測方法來論証該元件應用於高速低功率電路之可行性與優越性。 在本次的研究中,我們藉由電流-電壓等量測結果,驗證出矽鍺通道P型金氧半電晶體比傳統的bulk Si元件有較小的臨界電壓 (Vth)、較低的漏電流 (約低了2-3個數量級)、較高的驅動電壓、較寬廣的次臨界操作區、及較高的傳輸特性 (提升約2倍);這些結果都在在顯示出了矽鍺元件具有較低的功率散逸、較寬的動態範圍 (dynamic range) 、較快的傳輸速度及較高的操作頻率等,因此極適合應用於高速低功率電路。我們也有系統地利用基板偏壓和低頻雜訊的等量測方式來量化SiGe pMOSFETs的低頻雜訊表現,並成功的論証了矽鍺pMOSFET和傳統的bulk Si元件相比有較低的雜訊表現,也因此提高了電路的雜訊邊際 (noise margin)。經由本論文實驗的成果成功地證明了SiGe/Si異質結構的金氧半電晶體在RF/micropower電路的應用上是具有很大潛力的。 Study of high speed and low power SiGe pMOSFET Abstract We have demonstrated a high performance Si1-xGex pMOSFET technology for low power and low noise circuit applications. The incorporation of 30% Ge in the strained Si1-xGex channel provides a drive current enhancement by a factor of 2.5 over its counterpart Si bulk pMOSFETs and manifests a marked advantage of two decade in exponential operating region allowing both lower power consumption and a wider dynamic range for low power circuit applications. Body effects on DC and low frequency noise characteristics in Si1-xGex pMOSFETs have also been investigated. The relative spectral density of low frequency noise in SiGe pMOSFET’s is found to be significantly lower than in Si devices. The experimental results promise the potential of SiGe/Si heterostructure MOSFETs in radio-frequency micropower applications.