近年來,全球高齡化所導致的社會問題日益嚴峻,中高齡者的生理和心理健康也逐漸成為各國政府關注的焦點。其中,受限於身體機能的衰退與外在環境的影響,中高齡者於線下社交環境的社會參與逐漸轉向線上社交環境。然而,如何快速地適應全新的數位環境對中高齡者而言無疑是一個挑戰。回顧既有中高齡者從事社會參與的文獻,研究多聚焦討論其於實體環境的社會參與且甚少研究著墨中高齡者於社交環境中的繼續社會化策略。為彌補上述研究缺口,結合繼續社會化策略觀點和使用與滿足理論,本研究欲建構一研究模型探討中高齡者如何透過繼續社會化策略(意會建構、關係建立、積極框架)從社交媒體社群中獲取社會參與價值(資訊補充價值、獨立自主價值、專注沉浸價值以及社交關係價值),進而提升他們的數位幸福感。 採用混合式研究方法,涵蓋質性研究(研究一)與量化研究(研究二)。其中,研究一透過深度訪談釐清中高齡者之繼續社會化策略與社會參與價值的重要面向為何。根據研究一的結果,我們進一步透過研究二之問卷調查法來進行研究架構的實證。最終蒐集424筆有效樣本資料並以結構方程模型驗證假說。研究結果顯示中高齡者之繼續社會化策略會正向影響四種不同的社會參與價值,而這些社會參與價值則會進一步影響其數位幸福感。研究結果期望能對於中高齡者的社會參與的學術上提供一些見解並對實務領域提供一些建議。 ;In recent years, the global aging population has led to increasingly severe social issues, making the physical and mental health of middle-aged and elderly adults a focal point for governments worldwide. Due to the decline in physical functions and the impact of external environments, the social participation of middle-aged and elderly adults in offline social environments has gradually shifted to online social environments. However, adapting quickly to new digital environments poses a significant challenge for middle-aged and elderly adults. Reviewing the existing literature on social participation of middle-aged and elderly adults, most studies focus on their social participation in physical environments, with little research addressing the continuing socialization strategies of middle-aged and elderly adults in online social environments. To fill this research gap, this study aims to construct a research model combining the perspectives of continuing socialization strategies and the uses and gratifications theory, exploring how middle-aged and elderly adults acquire social participation values (informational supplementary values, social relationship values, focused immersion values, independent and autonomous values) through continuing socialization strategies (sense making, relationship building, and positive framing) in social media communities, thereby enhancing their digital well-being. This study adopts a mixed-methods approach, encompassing qualitative research (Study 1) and quantitative research (Study 2). Study 1 clarifies the key aspects of continuing socialization strategies and social participation values of middle-aged and elderly adults through in-depth interviews. Based on the results of Study 1, Study 2 empirically tests the research framework through a questionnaire survey. A total of 424 valid samples were collected and the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the continuing socialization strategies of middle-aged and elderly adults positively influence the four different types of social participation values, which in turn further impact their digital well-being. The findings aim to provide academic insights into the social participation of middle-aged and elderly adults and practical recommendations for the field.