近年來由於多媒體之數位化及網際網路軟硬體之蓬勃發展,使得數位多媒體資料的取得及使用更趨便利,再者也由於半導體產業的技術快速發展,使得在消費性電子產品生產變的快速且價格也讓一般消費者廣泛的接受,如數位相機、數位攝影機、數位監視系統、數位影像擷取裝置…等,使這些大量的數位多媒體資料更容易被取得與利用或變更內容,所以著作權的宣告也就變的十分重要,而數位浮水印系統應用在這種數位著作權宣告是目前蓬勃發展的一項新技術,有不同的演算法被提出但大都是著重在後端的處裡,在本篇論文中,針對多媒體資料的特性以及通訊系統展頻技術與資料加密技術提出一個抵抗壓縮攻擊的數位浮水印系統,結合目前影像擷取及壓縮的標準,在影像擷取及壓縮的同時即將著作權宣告崁入影像資料內,以達到擷取即保護的功能,由於系統單晶片(SOC)的趨勢,利用硬體描述語言將其實現成一個可再利用的功能,並利用TSMC 0.35um 1P4M的製程完成電路製作評估。 Due to the rapid development of the networking and communication, the distribution of digital data is faster and arbitrary. In addition, the semiconductor technology is rapidly developed, the process techniques is better than better. The System-On-a-Chip (SOC) is a trend in those years. There are more consumer product is produced and popular, such as DSC, digital video ...etc. In order to protect copyright of the multimedia data, a data capturing, compressing and ownership declaring is done at the same time. In this paper, a watermarking system for embedding spatial and transform domain by configuring and its Very Large Silicon Integration (VLSI) implementation is presented. The watermarking system applied spread spectrum techniques and Toral automorphism to build a watermarking system which it is suitable for raw video sequence watermarking. The proposed architecture is adequate for specific function IP combining with a real-time video encoder. We also implement the whole design by synthesizing with TSMC 1P4M 0.35μm standard cell. The simulation speed can reach 50 MHz, and the chip size is for 29128.742 gate counts.