本論文針對光纖通訊系統中接收端前級元件做相關之研究與製作,包括應用於1.55μm波段之邊耦合PIN光偵測器與次微米MSM光偵測器。 在邊耦合PIN光偵測器方面,我們先利用光學模擬軟體BeampropTM來模擬光在其前端光波導內之傳遞情形,再利用運算軟體MATLAB以透過等效電路方式來模擬高頻的特性,以此決定邊耦合PIN光偵測器的磊晶結構及設計元件,之後請聯亞科技公司成長所設計之結構晶圓,再於本校微光電實驗室之設備製作元件,並利用本實驗室光電量測系統進行量測與分析其特性。 在次微米MSM光偵測器方面,我們利用本校的分子束磊晶系統成長元件結構,並利用微光電實驗室之電子束微影設備製作0.2μm指金屬之MSM光偵測器,並進行量測分析並討論其特性改善之方法。 In this thesis, the front end devices of the 1.55 um optical receiver in the fiber communication system have been researched and realized, including the PIN and MSM photodetector. The commercial sofewares BeampropTM and MATLAB are used to simulate the characteristic of the waveguide PIN photodetector. The waveguide PIN photodetector has been developed and its peformance has been analyzed. The 0.2 um finger MSM photodetector are also realized and the bandwidth characteristic has been imporved by its thin finger.