本篇論文將介紹一種新型態移動機器人設計架構,並且對此機器人做初步的步態控制探討。機器人的架構主要基於順從型之六足機器人所發展,目的是可以在複雜的環境下行走。機器人的架構設計是以六顆致動器為主軸,以及機構的建立、致動器驅動電路與控制器系統等。在實驗上也會對此順從式機器人做一些步行、轉彎等控制,以及爬斜坡、跨越障礙物等測試。 此外,本文將所建立之機器人應用於遠端監控系統,此套系統是採主從式架構,分為伺服端與客戶端。伺服端包含主控電腦、機器人與CCD攝影機,目的是要讓遠端的使用者,透過客戶端應用程式,以網路連結方式登入主控電腦,直接操控在伺服端的機器人,並藉由伺服端之CCD攝影機,將即時影像透過網路回傳給客戶端的使用者,以此方式操縱遠端的機器人,達到基本的遠端監控。 In this paper, we introduced a novel architecture design of mobile robot, and discussed preliminary control of the robot gait. The design of the robot is based on the compliant hexapod robot system in order to walking over broken and irregular terrain. The architecture of robot, we proposed, consist of the six actuator, mechanism, motor driving circuit and controller system. Experiment show that hexapod robot can achieve dynamically stable walking and turning, other complex locomotion such as slope climbing and obstacle crossing. In addition, we applied the hexapod robot to the remote control system. This system is a client-server architecture, consisting of two parts, i.e., the server and the client. On the server side, there are a host PC, hexapod robot and CCD camera. The client user can connect the host PC through the Internet, and control the robot directly. According to the image of the server site in order to achieve the real-time teleoperation.