在二次大戰結束之後,臺灣食用油工業面臨了製油原料短缺的危機,當時我國政府利用美援發展製油工業,解決了我國食用油工業的問題。並且透過美援黃豆的運用,反而創造了臺灣製油工業發展的機會。 在美援的幫助以及政府的推動之下,1958年臺灣製油工業成功的進行了一場技術改革,從此溶劑提油成為臺灣製油工業的主流趨勢,持續至今。技術改革成功之後,美援黃豆加工油廠也隨之急速增加,但是在政府的外匯管制政策之下,並不允許大量的黃豆進入臺灣,因此衍生許多問題。 這些問題包括黃豆分配失衡、油廠設置過多、資金投資浪費等,此外更為嚴重的是官商勾結以及貪污的問題。我國政府最後提出開放黃豆自由進口的政策作為解決的方案,但開放自由進口之後,又將對臺灣製油工業產生衝擊。 When Second World War was terminated, Taiwan oil-pressing industry had face to a crisis that to be short of raw materials .At that time, our government to use United States Aid to developed Taiwan oil-pressing industry, not only successfully to solve the short of raw materials , but also created an opportunity for developed oil-pressing industry. In 1958 Taiwan oil-pressing industry successfully processed a reformation of the technology skill by the help with United States Aid and our government 's spread.After that reformation, Oil Solvent Extraction technology had become the main stream of Taiwan oil-pressing industry up to now. Besides, the factories to manufacture U.S. Aid. soybean also increase fleetly with the success of reformation. But with the foreign exchange control, our government not allow a lot number of soybean to import Taiwan. In that way, foreign exchange control was derived new problems to Taiwan oil-pressing industry. Those problem include unequal of soybean's distribution, a surfeit of factories establishing, the squander on investment fund and something else. Besides the more critical problem is the collusion between government and private enterprise and corruption. Finally our government brought out a policy that allow soybean to import Taiwan permissively. But this policy will derived new influence to Taiwan oil-pressing industry.