多項式摩擦單擺支承(Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator,PFPI) 為具變頻特性之新型摩擦單擺支承,其曲面函數為六次方多項式,利用回復勁度遞減之軟化段減緩結構加速度反應,亦可藉由回復勁度遞增之硬化段降低結構位移反應。過去研究已證實PFPI可發揮變頻特性,於近域與遠域震波皆發揮良好隔震效果。 以往之研究主要討論之目標橋梁皆為規則性橋梁,橋墩高度均相同,但不等高橋墩隔震橋梁中,不同高度橋墩之勁度皆不相同, PFPI需有不同設計已達最佳之隔震效果,因此分析相對複雜。本研究首先針對PFPI不等高橋墩隔震橋,發展數值分析方法,隨後進行振動台實驗,透過實驗結果與分析結果驗證,所發展之數值分析方法可以準確模擬PFPI不等高橋墩隔震橋梁於各地震波下之動力反應。此外,採用PSO-SA混合式演算法,針對振動台實驗用模型,搜尋PFPI之最佳支承參數,透過觀察PSO-SA多目標函數中各目標權重比例與結構物反應之關係圖,選擇合適權重下之最佳參數做為設計結構物之參考。由搜尋結果顯示,結構物反應皆能有效的達到PSO-SA目標函數所設定之目標。 ;The sliding surface of Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator (PFPI) is defined by a sixth-order polynomial function. The restoring force possesses a softening section and a hardening section. In the softening section, the restoring stiffness is decreasing in order to mitigate the structural acceleration response, while in the hardening section, the restoring stiffness is increasing so as to reduce the isolator drift. It has been proven that PFPI is not only able to effectively mitigate the structural seismic response induced by either long period near-fault earthquakes or far-field earthquakes. Compared with typical isolated bridges, the isolated bridge with columns of irregular heights have different stiffness of columns, and the type of PFPI are also different, therefore the numerical analysis is more complicated. Then, conduct the series shaking table tests to study the PFPI isolated bridge with columns of irregular heights. The results show that the analysis method developed in this study does indeed simulates the results of experiments. Then find out the optimal parameters of PFPI by using PSO-SA hybrid algorithm. Through the changing of scalar weights which are in the object function, and choose the best parameters under the appropriate scalar weights as the reference of structures designed.