摘要: | 本研究採行動敘說探究課室現象,以訪談、觀課、對話等方式收集教學現場的資料,了解資訊科技在國語教學中的使用情況,描述並分析數位工具在推行過程中所遇到的限制及解決辦法,探討教師在教學現場如何將數位平台融入低年級語文教學中,逐步引導學童熟悉操作數位工具與平台,並透過閱讀、寫作、同儕分享與上台發表,增進學童的閱讀與文字表達的能力。 運用敘說建構出現場綿密的細節,透過四種面向的對話-與自我對話、與設計團隊的對話、與家長、同儕、研究所師生對話、與研究團隊對話,從其中再現教學現場的場景,經由故事的重說、持續的反映、檢驗,發現教學現場的困難,透過行動反映循環的歷程解決問題,並詳細記錄資訊科技融入課室的歷程。 整個行動實踐分為五個時期:準備期、萌芽期、碰撞期、成熟期、蛻變期。從平板電腦尚未進入教室的原有教學期,進入平板電腦融入教學的實踐歷程,在經歷工具與人磨合的衝擊與碰撞後,由工具與人形成的學習網絡漸漸成熟。 在經歷這樣一段實行的過程,結論從科技面、教學活動面與學習活動面三個面向來說明,而這三個部分應該是彼此相互支援,前台教學的教師與後台設計的團隊相互溝通,才能夠達到最好的教與學的效果。 ;In this study, action narrative inquiry was adopted to investigate the use of information technology in primary instruction context. The study focused on how the teacher integrated the learning platform—Tomorrow Planet into her instruction, what strategies she used to guide the students to familiar with platform and to enhance students’ reading ability, what difficulties she encountered, and how she solved the problems . This research was conducted in an elementary school in northern Taiwan. The participants included one elementary school teacher, and 28 1^stgrade students. Interview, class observation were used to collect the data. The detail of the instruction context was constructed through four different dimensions of dialogs: self-dialogs, dialogs with platform-design team, dialogs with students’ parents, and dialogs with research team. After analyzing the data, the three-stage integration process was found and the some suggestions for integrating technology into Chinese learning were proposed for future study. Practice the entire operation is divided into five periods: the preparation period, infancy, collision, maturity, decay period. From the tablet has not yet entered the original teaching of the classroom, into the tablet into the practice of teaching the course, after a collision with impact tools and run-people, by the people travel tools and learning network gradually mature. After the implementation of such a process, I explain conclusions from science and technology, teaching and learning activities, and these three parts should be mutually support each other, to be able to achieve the best results of teaching and learning. |