本研究以特徵價格法去探討迎毗設施對於該區域房價的影響,並找出房價與特徵設施之距離所產生的曲線之動態函數。 以距離為影響動態之影響因子及受設施影響之房價均為獨立資產作為研究假設,藉由衝子受磁力動態方程式與常態分佈曲線公式輔助推導適用於單一影響因子之特徵價格影響函數與多重影響因子之特徵價格影響函數,將捷運站當作迎毗設施之實際案例,利用實例驗證的方式驗證函數的正確性,以石牌捷運站周遭房價案例與後山埤捷運站與昆陽捷運站間區域房價之案例,藉由迴歸分析案例之方式,分別驗證單一影響因子之特徵價格影響函數與多重影響因子之特徵價格影響函數,證明兩函數能運用於實務之房價趨勢分析。 本研究解決特徵價值視為常數或線性、不動產估價的方法較為主觀和無法考慮到所有影響因子對於房價之影響等問題,提升不動產估價與房價趨勢分析之便利性,並證明所建構之特徵價格影響函數能應用實務案例之分析,並利用曲線分析出設施對於房價之影響。 ;The hedonic pricing theory indicates that the price of any individual asset can be influenced according to its attributes. Although various functions can be built to price real estate such as linear, log-lin, lin-log, and log-log functions, these never identify how an attribute influences the corresponding asset. In some certain circumstances, few or even only one attribute may dominate. The objectives of the research are to (1) establish the dynamic function of an individual attribute for real estate pricing by integrating the concept for punching pin dynamic functions, (2) collect empirical data to find the actual impact curve and, (3) integrate the empirical results and the function of an individual attribute in order to develop the dynamic function of multi-attributes for real estate pricing. A comprehensive literature review is required to identify adequate theories in order that the corresponding hypothesis and tools can be established. The anticipated impact function for an individual attribute can be yielded based on the hypothesis and attribute characteristics. The data collection is aimed at the housing price in the urban areas in Taiwan and is used to evaluate and adjust the function. The last step is to develop impact function of surrounding multi-facilities for real estate pricing by integrating the empirical results and the impact function of an individual attribute. The findings lie on the exploit from the application of the function to the real housing price that would improve the pricing model, pricing accuracy, and reasonableness in practice.