近幾年立體微結構物(the fabrications of 3D microstructure)被不同領域的人員重視,進而研究並應用於生物檢測技術或各種類型之感測器。本研究延續即時影像導引局部電化學電鍍的想法,希望發展一套矩陣式陽極自動電鍍系統。設計能適用於單根陽極電鍍、雙陽極電鍍及n×n矩陣式陽極電鍍的系統,解決在製作過程中的不可控制變因所造成的問題:因陰極沉積速率的不同而影響電鍍過程的運作。不可控制的變因主要來自於陽極的製造過程中,不論製作過程方法為何,每根陽極皆存在不同的因素,導致實驗時所使用的陽極:白金線暴露在鍍液的面積不同,而造成陰極的沉積速率有所差異。因此本研究透過自動對焦影像監控系統分析沉積物的即時情況,並藉由控制脈衝寬度調變(Pulse Width Modulation)的技術達成陰極上每根微柱的沉積速率相同。
自動對焦影像監控系統經由個人桌上型電腦運算,利用影像處理方法定義出電鍍時陽極及陰極沉積微柱的位置,進而使用間距控制系統維持微電鍍時電鍍環境的運作順利,再透過單晶片微控制器控制多根微陽極各別的放電電壓,並應用控制理論於放電控制,有效達到陰極微柱的沉積速率一致。 ;The fabrications of 3D microstructures have been studied by more and more researchers in past few years. However, most researchers focus on single column fabrication which is not sufficient for industrial manufacturing. This research proposes using a CCD to guide the fabrication for n×n microstructure columns. By using pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques and the control theory, the voltage of each column is modulated based on its image data to maintain the same growth rate. In this research, we divided the system into three parts to introduce. First, the system is improved to realize Localized Electrochemical Deposition process by using multiple anodes. The second part is real-time auto-focus of monitoring system. Because of the distance from the object to the lens is different. The CCD and lens are installed on the single axis platform. Using the techniques of motor controlling and image processing to solve the problems. The last part is real-time image guide feedback control system. The main propose of this part is to maintain the distance between the anode and cathode. In order to control the distance, we use PWM techniques to adjust the average voltage. After the system can electroplate automatically, we apply the classical control theory into the process for maintaining the same growth rate.