面臨諸多社會問題的嚴峻挑戰,圍繞公眾利益、目標和價值的社會行動團體與個體快速成長,然而在社會行動團體競爭激烈且資源有限的前提下,促使社會行動團體不得不尋求其他的管道以獲取更多資金。其中,線上群眾募資是一種成本較低且能有效地將組織使命與目標傳遞給贊助者的數位管道。面對潛在贊助者所擁有的資源是相對有限的情況下,對於專案發起者來說,該呈現哪些專案相關的資訊內容,往往決定該專案是能否得以說服他人贊助的關鍵因素。然而,甚少研究著墨討論以公益為主題之群眾募資專案,應該採取何種專案賦能因素,以更直觀地方式說服潛在贊助者出現贊助意圖。因此,以賦能理論與推敲可能性模式為基礎,本研究欲探討以專案認知賦能因素(文案敘事性、圖像吸引性)如何經由中央路徑影響個體內在動機(自我價值感)以及專案行動賦能因素(專案可行性、專案持續追蹤)如何經由周圍路經影響個體之內化的外在動機(間接互惠),最終促使其產生贊助意圖。 透過電子問卷的方式蒐集樣本資料,最終以400筆有效樣本進行結構方程模式的分析。研究結果顯示文案敘事性與圖像吸引性會經由中央路徑正向影響自我價值感,而專案可行性及專案持續追蹤則會透過周圍路徑影響個體之間接互惠動機。再者,間接互惠會正向影響贊助者的自我價值感,且兩者亦對贊助意圖存在顯著影響。最後,本研究於學理上提供幾點貢獻,同時也為專案發起者及群眾募資平台管理者提出實務上的建議及做法。 ;With the development of social forces around the world, social action groups that focus on public interest, goals, and values have grown rapidly. Regarding scarcity and fierce competition for obtaining resources in performing social services, social action groups are currently looking for funding through multiple channels. Online crowdfunding platforms are low-cost digital channels that can effectively help project creators convey their missions, values, and goals to potential backers. Since potential backers have finite resources in doing good deeds, creators should carefully construct project introduction content to persuade potential backers. To the best of our knowledge, none of these studies has focused on how affordance factors influence an individual’s funding intention in charitable crowdfunding. Therefore, drawing upon the elaboration likelihood model and affordance theory, this study explores how project-cognition (i.e., content narrative and visual appeal) and project-action (i.e., project feasibility and project update) affordance factors separately affect individuals’ funding intentions through the mediating roles of intrinsic motivation (sense of self-worth) and internalized extrinsic motivation (indirect reciprocity). A total of 400 valid samples were collected using convenience sampling and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that both content narrative and visual appeal are positively associated with one’s sense of self-worth via the central route. In addition, project feasibility and updates are significantly related to indirect reciprocity via the peripheral route. The findings also indicate that indirect reciprocity is associated with a sense of self-worth, both of which have significant effects on funding intention. Finally, our findings provide theoretical and practical suggestions for project creators and service providers.