臺中市海線大甲地區過去為平埔族道卡斯族(Taokas)的活動區域,後經清朝漢人移墾,逐漸轉型成漢人為主的社群,並以泉州人為主要的生活群體,日常所用語 言以泉州腔的閩南方言為主。然而,現今因交通環境、社會結構等因素產生改變, 因此大甲區的語言狀態亦有所迭代。本文企圖從大甲區 29 里的閩南方言著手調查,調查並記錄大甲當地居民老、中、青三個世代的語音現況與變化,兼以社會語言學的視角進行分析,將大甲區閩南語的差異進行共時性的研究,嘗試找尋促使其產生改變的原因。 同時,本文期許可以透過三代兩性發音人的語音資料,保存、建立大甲區閩南方言的音韻系統,保存當地閩南語特色,以充實當地文史資料,提供未來對大甲地區相關研究的參考資料。 ;The DaJia area along Taichung City′s coastal line was historically inhabited by the Taokas, a Plains Indigenous tribe. During the Qing Dynasty, Han Chinese settlers gradually transformed it into a predominantly Han community, with the Quanzhou people forming the main ethnic group and using the Quanzhou dialect of Minnan as their primary language. However, contemporary changes in transportation infrastructure and social structure have resulted in shifts in the linguistic landscape of the DaJia area. This study investigates the Minnan dialect spoken in the 29 neighborhoods of DaJia, documenting phonetic variations across three generations(elderly, middle-aged, and youth). Utilizing a sociolinguistic perspective, the research conducts a synchronic study of Minnan dialect variations in DaJia to identify the factors driving these changes. Simultaneously, this research aims to preserve and establish the phonological system of the DaJia Minnan dialect using phonetic data from three generations and both genders. This effort seeks to safeguard the unique characteristics of the local Minnan dialect, enriching local cultural and historical records, and providing valuable reference material for future research on the DaJia region.