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姓名 陳顗伊(Yi-Yi Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 營建工程規劃人員專業職能模型之建構
(Establishment of Competency Model For Construction Planning Professionals)
★ 應用整合專案交付與建築資訊模型於工程專案之探討★ 建築物維護管理系統之建立
★ 以案例式推理推估營造綜合險保險費率之研究★ 生命週期導向橋梁評估系統之研究
★ 以生命週期為導向之建築物維護資訊管理系統★ 國立大學工程設施BOT財務可行性評估流程之研究-以育成中心與宿舍為例
★ 臺灣地區橋梁維護管理現況與未來發展策略之研究★ 橋梁目視檢測自動化系統之研究
★ 斜張橋目視檢測評估標準建立★ 導入建築物生命週期觀念之物業管理系統
★ 公共工程開口合約之研究-以公路維護為例★ 長橋目視檢測評估方法之研究
★ 公共工程逾期罰款判決態樣之分析與應用★ 共同遲延責任分配之系統化分析方法
★ 工程主控保險計畫現況與改進芻議之研究 -以台北市捷運工程為例★ 臺灣地區橋梁管理系統維護管理決策支援模組之建立-以公路總局為例
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摘要(中) 營建工程規劃人員相當於營建產業的研發人員,屬於具高度價值之核心資源,為達有效率及系統性的管理人才,本研究將藉由建構營建工程規劃人員專業職能模型,提供個案公司在招募人才各項評選標準及依據,在第一時間內能迅速確實找到所需人才。
摘要(英) Construction planning is as important asR&D.Itis considered as highly significant core resources. To manage personnel more effectively and systematically, “Construction Personnel Competency Model” will be
suggested to individual companies as reference in order to increase theefficiency.
The research target is aimed at construction planning in this study. Next, “Establishment of Competency Model For Construction Planning Professionals” is designed based on the piloted questionnaire,interviews with professionals, and literature review. The objective of the research is to explore and evaluate the competence of construction personnel. Subsequently, the questionnaire is created by quantitative method. It has been found in this study that the construction project planning professional functions of a total of nine officers were technical expertise, communication and coordination, achievement oriented,
emotional management, team leadership, customer service oriented,execution, teamwork, innovative thinking and so on.
The reliability and validity of the questionnaire will be verified by “Establishment of Competency Model For Construction Planning Professionals” in order to increase efficiency for the human resource department. It is hoped to facilitate domestic construction enterprises the processes of recruitment, personnel evaluation, performance
management, and professional training development in order to elect applicable personnel, improve enterprise
competitive strength, andintense competition.
關鍵字(中) ★ 營建工程規劃人員
★ 營建工程
★ 專業職能模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Professional
★ Construction planning
★ Construction Industry
論文目次 目 錄
摘 要.....................................................I
Abstract................................................ II
誌 謝................................................... IV
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................................1
1.2 研究目的..............................................2
1.3 研究範圍與限制........................................2
1.4 研究方法與流程........................................3
1.5 研究架構..............................................5
第二章 文獻探討.......................................... 7
2.1 職能的起源和意義......................................7
2.2 專業職能的意義和內涵.................................11
2.3 研發人員之核心專業職能...............................12
2.4 一般研發人員與規劃人員的職能群組比較.................16
2.5 職能在人力資源管理面的應用...........................21
2.6 國內營建業現況探討...................................25
第三章 研究設計......................................... 28
3.1 研究階段說明.........................................28
3.1.1 準備階段...........................................28
3.1.2 職能模型建構階段...................................28
3.1.3 職能模型確立階段...................................30
第四章 規劃人才專業職能模型建構......................... 32
4.1 職能建構模式.........................................32
4.2 職能模式建構方法.....................................35
4.3 形成各職能構面定義及問卷的發展.......................38
4.4 問卷分析.............................................46
第五章 研究結論與建議................................... 48
5.1 研究結論.............................................48
5.2 研究建議.............................................50
參考文獻 ............................................... 52
附錄 ................................................... 57
附錄一 行為事例訪談題目..................................57
附錄二 同意度問卷........................................58
附錄三 職能項目問卷......................................65
附錄四 專家訪談內容......................................71
表 目 錄
表2-3-1 職能類別彙總表.................................. 13
表2-4-1 技術人員與專業人士的職能模式.................... 21
表2-5-1 職能的用途...................................... 23
表4-2-1 同意度問卷選項之重要程度與含意.................. 37
表4-2-2 同意度檢驗刪除之行為題項........................ 38
表4-3-1 規劃人員專業職能項目、項目定義.................. 39
表4-3-2 營建工程規劃人員專業職能模型.................... 41
表4-4-1 問卷之發放與回收情形............................ 46
表4-4-2 營建工程規劃人員專業職能之信度分析.............. 47
圖 目 錄
圖1-4-1 研究流程......................................... 5
圖2-2-1 職能冰山模型..................................... 8
圖2-1-2 職能的內隱性與外顯性............................. 9
圖4-1-1 簡易職能模式.................................... 35
圖5-1-1 職能模型示意圖.................................. 50
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指導教授 鄭晉昌、姚乃嘉
(Jihn-Chang Jehng、Nie-Jia Yau)
審核日期 2011-1-21
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