博碩士論文 993203048 詳細資訊

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姓名 賴家祥(Chia-hsiang Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 運用希爾伯特-黃轉換及無因次單位瞬時頻率正規化技術之特徵擷取於非固定轉速之軸承故障診斷
(Fault Diagnosis of Roller Bearing under Variable Rotation Speed via Hilbert-Huang Transform and Dimensionless Instantaneous Frequency Normalization Techniques)
★ 使用實驗計劃法求得印刷電路板微鑽針最佳鑽孔參數★ 滾針軸承保持架用材料之電鍍氫脆研究
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摘要(中) 本研究主要針對轉動機械的軸承元件於變轉速下,軸承發生內圈損壞、滾子損壞、外圈損壞等情形之故障診斷方法探討。利用一般等時間取樣訊號量測及階次追蹤等角度訊號量測兩種方式擷取軸承振動訊號,前者的分析為提取振動訊號之包絡線,並透過希爾伯特-黃轉換結合無因次單位頻率正規化進行分析;後者的分析為提取振動訊號之包絡線,直接透過希爾伯特-黃轉換進行分析,於希爾伯特時頻譜與邊際譜探討軸承不同的損壞特徵。最後,提取邊際譜上軸承特徵頻率之幅值作為分類的特徵,並以支持向量機分類進行軸承的故障診斷,結果顯示有相當高的準確率。
摘要(英) The main purpose of this paper is to characterize the faulted features of roller bearings, such as inner race, rolling element, and outer race with defect, under variable rotation speeds. There are two different ways to measure the vibration signals of bearings. One is the general vibration measurement with fixed sampling rate. The other one is based on the order tracking technique with identical angle increment. The envelope signals of the fixed sampling rate data are analyzed through Hilbert-Hung Transform and dimensionless frequency normalization. On the other hand, the envelope signals of the identical angle-increment data are analyzed by Hilbert-Hung Transform approach. The extracted features of the faulted bearings are discussed by observing the Hilbert time-frequency spectra as well as the marginal Hilbert spectra. With the magnitude of characteristic frequencies on the marginal Hilbert spectra as the extracted features, the classification results of supper vector machines demonstrate the high accuracy of bearing fault diagnosis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 支持向量機
★ 無因次單位頻率正規化
★ 希爾伯特-黃轉換
★ 階次追蹤
★ 故障診斷
關鍵字(英) ★ Hilbert-Hung Transform
★ dimensionless frequency normalization
★ order tracking
★ Support Vector Machines
★ fault diagnosis
論文目次 摘要 ......I
Abstract ......II
致謝 ......III
目錄 ......IV
圖目錄 ......VIII
表目錄 ......XXVII
第一章 緒論 ......1
1-1 前言 ......1
1-2 研究動機 ......2
1-3 文獻回顧 ......4
第二章 理論 ......7
2-1 希爾伯特-黃轉換(Hilbert-Huang Transform, HHT) ......7
2-2 經驗模態分解法(Empirical Mode Decomposition, EMD) ......8
2-2-1 固有模態函數(Intrinsic Mode Function, IMF) ......8
2-2-2 經驗模態分解法分解過程 ......8
2-3 瞬時頻率(Instantaneous Frequency) ......11
2-4 無因次單位瞬時頻率正規化(Dimensionless Instantaneous Frequency Normalization) ......14
2-5 希爾伯特時頻譜 (Hilbert Spectrum) 和 邊際希爾伯特頻譜 (Marginal Hilbert Spectrum) ......15
2-6 支持向量機(Support Vector Machines, SVM) ......16
2-6-1 超平面(Hyper-plan) ......16
2-6-2 支持向量(Support Vector) ......16
2-6-3 核心函數(Kernel Function) ......21
2-6-4 多分類支持向量機 ......22
2-7 軸承特徵頻率 ......27
2-7-1 軸旋轉頻率(Fr) ......29
2-7-2 保持架旋轉頻率(Fc) ......29
2-7-3 滾子通過外環某點頻率(Fbpo) ......30
2-7-4 滾子通過內環某點頻率(Fbpi) ......30
2-7-5 滾子自旋頻率(Fbs) ......31
2-7-6 滾子某點通過內環及外環頻率(Frp) ......31
2-8 包絡譜分析 ......33
第三章 實驗架構與實驗方法 ......34
3-1 實驗架構說明 ......34
3-2 實驗設備與規格 ......37
3-2-1 變頻器及轉速感測器 ......37
3-2-2 馬達 ......37
3-2-3 Keyphasor ......38
3-2-4 加速規 ......38
3-2-5 DIO NI 9401 ......39
3-2-6 電路板 ......40
3-2-7 DAQ NI 9234 ......41
3-2-8 DIO NI 9402 ......42
3-2-9 DAQ NI 9215 ......42
3-2-10 Encoder 及 頻率轉換器 ......43
3-2-11 放大器 ......44
3-3 實驗之軸承損壞類型 ......45
3-3-1 正常軸承 ......46
3-3-2 內圈損壞軸承 ......46
3-3-3 滾柱損壞軸承 ......47
3-3-4 外圈損壞軸承 ......47
3-4 實驗設置 ......48
第四章 結果與討論 ......50
4-1 等時間量測訊號分析 ......50
4-1-1 正常軸承 ......53
4-1-2 內圈損壞軸承 ......66
4-1-3 滾柱損壞軸承 ......79
4-1-4 外圈損壞軸承 ......92
4-2 等角度量測訊號分析 ......105
4-2-1 正常軸承 ......105
4-2-2 內圈損壞軸承 ......114
4-2-3 滾柱損壞軸承 ......122
4-2-4 外圈損壞軸承 ......130
4-3 特徵提取及支持向量機分類 ......138
4-3-1 特徵提取 ......138
4-3-2 支持向量機分類 ......140
第五章 結論與未來展望 ......149
5-1 結論 ......149
5-2 未來展望 ......151
參考文獻 ......152
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2012-7-4
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