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姓名 黃敬茹(Ching-Ju Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 台灣市場智慧型手機之特徵價格
(Hedonic Prices for Smart Phones in Taiwan Market)
★ 銀行授信行為之研究★ 經發會前後台股指數、期貨指數、電子指數與金融指數之關聯性
★ 台灣家庭夏天用電需求分析★ 影響台銀黃金存摺價格因素之研究
★ 國際原油投資報酬與資金行情之探討-GARCH模型★ 電子商務對企業經營績效之影響
★ 有害廢棄物之處理與再利用研究:以A公司為例★ 台灣電燈用電需求量探討--以縣市資料為例
★ 台美股價、匯率、利率之動態關聯-VECM與VECM-GARCH應用★ 台灣攤販業獲利決定因素-人力資本的影響
★ 航空客運經濟帶油決定因素之實證分析★ 台灣都會區用電需求影響因素實證分析
★ 便利商店現煮咖啡銷售之研究★ 大陸鋼鐵出口與台灣鋼鐵價格的關聯性
★ 人口結構變遷對財政教育支出之影響★ 運動鞋製業的市場結構、行為與績效分析
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摘要(中) 自從2007年6月蘋果(Apple)公司第一代的iphone手機上市後,各家廠商陸續推出各種功能和特性的智慧型手機,本研究欲分析智慧型手機功能和特性對其價格的影響,同時了解廠商的定價方式及消費者的願付價格,以在台灣發行的手機雜誌「手機GoGo」當作資料來源,及以「Sogi手機王」網站上的資料作為補充,研究期間為2007年8月至2014年9月,總共有七年的資料。
摘要(英) Since the first generation of iphone was released on June 2007 by Apple Inc., the manufacturers have continually provided a variety of functions and features of smart phones. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of functions and features of smart phones to its prices and to understand how suppliers make prices and how much consumers are willing to pay. The data we use are from Cellphone GoGo magazine which is published in Taiwan, and Sogi website, over the period from August 2007 to September 2014.
This paper is divided into two models. One is Hedonic Price Model of semi-log form, use this model to calculate the average marginal prices for every characteristic variables. The other model is under panel data estimation, compare one-way fixed effect model, two-way fixed effect model, one-way random effect model, and two-way random effect model, and discuss the differences between the model with brand ASUS and without brand ASUS.
The results show that in the Hedonic Price Model of semi-log form, the maximum amount of parameters of hedonic price function related to the following variables respectively: brand, time dummy variables, and monitor size. In panel data model, no matter in one-way fixed effect model, two-way fixed effect model, one-way random effect model, or two-way random effect model, R^2 under the data with brand ASUS are smaller than the data without brand ASUS. It shows that the explanation of the characteristic variables will decrease under the data with brand ASUS. It also shows that the relationship between features of smart phones and its prices are unclear under the brand ASUS.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧型手機
★ 特徵價格
★ 台灣
論文目次 中文摘要 ...................................................i
英文摘要 ..................................................ii
誌謝 .................................................iii
目錄 ..................................................iv
圖目錄 ..................................................vi
表目錄 .................................................vii
一、 緒論...............................................1
1-1 研究背景與動機.......................................1
1-2 研究目的............................................3
1-3 研究方法與架構.......................................4
二、 文獻回顧............................................6
三、 特徵價格模型與縱橫資料模型............................11
3-1 特徵價格模型........................................11
3-2 縱橫資料模型........................................15
3-2-1 固定效果模型........................................16
3-2-2 隨機效果模型........................................17
3-2-3 模型檢測方法........................................19
四、 實證資料與變數定義...................................21
4-1 資料來源...........................................21
4-2 變數設定與定義......................................21
4-2-1 應變數之設定................................21
4-2-2 自變數之設定................................22
4-3 樣本統計分析........................................28
五、 實證結果分析........................................35
5-1 特徵價格模型分析....................................35
5-2 縱橫資料模型分析....................................43
5-3 特徵價格實際值和預測值之比較分析.......................53
六、 結論與建議.........................................64
6-1 各模型之實證結論....................................64
6-2 研究限制與建議......................................66
參考文獻 ..................................................67
附錄一 ..................................................70
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指導教授 劉錦龍 審核日期 2015-7-6
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