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姓名 呂岳樺(Yue-hua Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
(Numerical ranges and numerical radii for tensor products of matrices)
★ 橢圓形數值域之四階方陣★ 數值域邊界上之線段
★ 正規壓縮算子與正規延拓算子★ 加權排列矩陣及加權位移矩陣之數值域
★ 可分解友矩陣之數值域★ 可分解友矩陣之研究
★ 關於巴氏空間上連續函數的近乎收斂性★ 三角不等式與Jensen不等式之精化
★ 缺陷指數為1的矩陣之研究★ A-Statistical Convergence of Korovkin Type Approximation
★ I-Convergence of Korovkin Type Approximation Theorems for Unbounded Functions★ 四階方陣的高秩數值域
★ 位移算子其有限維壓縮算子的反矩陣★ 2×2方塊矩陣的數值域
★ 加權位移矩陣的探討與廣義三角不等式的優化★ 喬登方塊和矩陣的張量積之數值域半徑
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摘要(中) 在這篇論文中,我們主要討論具備怎樣性質的n×n矩陣A與m×m矩陣B能讓這個等式"w(Aotimes B)=" ‖A‖w(B)成立,其中w(∙)及‖∙‖分別代表一個矩陣的數值半徑(numerical radius)及範數(norm)。我們證明了以下結果:(1)假如A是一個S_n矩陣,則"w(AotimesB)=" w(B)的充分必要條件是B的數值域(numerical range)是個圓心在原點的圓盤並且k_B≤n,其中k_B這個參數指的是在B的壓縮矩陣中數值域與B相同,這種壓縮矩陣尺寸的最小值;以及(2)若A是個範數為1的completely nonunitary矩陣,而m×m矩陣B滿足k_B=m,則"w(Aotimes B)=" w(B)的充分必要條件是B的數值域是個圓心在原點的圓盤並且k_B≤p_A+1,其中p_A這個參數指的是讓‖A^k ‖=‖A‖^k成立,所有k的最大值。在上述的情況下,我們都得到"Aotimes B" 的數值域與B的數值域相同。接下來,我們也對友矩陣(companion matrix)作一些討論,我們證明:若A是一個n×n的友矩陣,則"W(Aotimes A)" 是個圓心在原點的圓盤的充分必要條件是A是一個n×n的Jordan block J_n.
摘要(英) In this thesis, we characterize matrices A in M_n and B in M_m which yield the equality w(Aotimes B)=|A|w(B), where w(.) and |.| denote, respectively, the numerical radius and the operator norm of a matrix. We show that (1) if A is an Sn-matrix, then w(Aotimes B)=w(B) if and only if the numerical range W(B) of B is a circular disc
centered at the origin and k_Bleq n, where
k_B=min{k:W(V*BV)=W(B) for some V in M_mk with V*V=I_k};
and (2) if A is completely nonunitary with |A|=1 and k_B =m, then w(Aotimes B)=w(B) if and only if W(B) is a circular disc centered at the origin and k_Bleq pA+1,
where p_A=sup{k:|A|^k=|A^k|}
In the above cases, we all have W(Aotimes B)=W(B). Next, we consider the class
of companion matrices. We prove that if A is an n-by-n companion matrix, then
W(Aotimes A) is a circular disc centered at the origin if and only if A is equal to the
n-by-n Jordan block J_n.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數值域
★ 數值半徑
★ 張量積
★ S_n矩陣
★ 收縮
★ 友矩陣
關鍵字(英) ★ numerical range
★ numerical radius
★ tensor product
★ S_n-matrix
★ contraction
★ companion matrix
論文目次 1 Introduction and Preliminaries..........................1
1.1 Numerical ranges and numerical radii..................1
1.2 Sn-matrices...........................................4
1.3 Tensor product........................................7
2 Numerical radii and numerical ranges for tensor products of matrices..............................................13
2.1 Sn-matrices..........................................13
2.2 Contractions.........................................21
3 Companion Matrices.....................................33
3.1 Introduction.........................................33
3.2 Tensor Products of Companion Matrices................36
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指導教授 高華隆(Hwa-Long Gau) 審核日期 2015-7-7
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