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姓名 鄭才明(Tsai-Ming Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 以情境理論探討顧客在保固期後再回原廠消費之意願─以B公司為例
★ ERP樣版導入方法論之個案研究★ Talent Management Using Characteristics Model of RPG
★ 企業接班模式之探討—以G公司為例★ 影響消費者透過行動美妝軟體購買美妝品之關鍵因素研究-使用AHP方法
★ 客製化產品成本導入ERP之計算架構-以A公司製造自動化設備為例★ 應用中介系統改善企業流程-以S公司為例
★ 結合群眾智慧與基本面應用於上市公司投資策略之研究★ 共享服務中心外包衍伸問題之探討-以M跟S集團在台分公司為例
★ 保險業於大數據時代導入 SAP HANA 之 關鍵成功因素 - 以 N公司為例★ 以八階段分析法進行談判策略之個案研究
★ 以AHP法研究企業評選顧問公司之準則★ B2B拍賣網上結標價和結標時間的預測
★ 應用啟發式演算法挖掘與表示商業流程的碳排量屬性★ ERP為基準碳足跡計算之觀念性架構發展
★ 作業基礎制碳足跡方法-以作業制成本法為基礎發展產品碳足跡計算之方法★ 不同顆粒度流程一致化之研究
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摘要(中) 依據交通部公路總局統計查詢網,到111年12月為止,全國自用小客車登記數量達到7,210,327輛 (交通部公路總局 統計查詢網, 2023)。以同時期全國總人口23,264,640人為基礎 (內政部戶政司, 2023),平均每3人擁有1輛自用小客車。雖然這個數值不是全球最高,但在相對較小的土地面積內,這樣的車輛密度也算驚人,同時也代表了其衍生出來龐大的汽車保修市場商機。可預期的是市場上的汽車服務廠會如雨後春筍般湧現,爭相分食這個市場。因此,這樣高密度的汽車擁有量,除了展現出我國的經濟活力,也讓汽車相關產業蓬勃發展。
然而,汽車保修市場並非只有原廠服務廠,還有眾多汽車服務廠。據中華民國統計資訊網提供的105年工業及商業普查資料顯示,全國有超過一萬七千家登記的汽車服務廠登記有案 (中華民國統計資訊網, 2023)。根據我國汽車維修市場的分布狀態,非原廠經營的服務廠佔了約66.7%,家數超過一萬一千家 (陳俊良, 2013)。這些非原廠經營的服務廠大多由個人經營或連鎖體系營運,規模較小且提供多元化的維修方式。它們之間的競爭相當激烈,競爭優勢主要集中在價格、反應迅速以及彈性和多元化的維修方案等方面。
本研究以情境理論 (Belk, 1975)中的實體環境(Physical Surrounding)、社交環境(Social Surrounding)、時間視角(Temporal Perspective)及任務定義 (Task Definition)作為構念,再分別以位置便利、員工同理心、等待時間短及維修可靠性做為四個構面,利用問卷調查的方式,以新車三年保固期內的顧客做為對象進行調查,探討顧客在保固期後再回原廠消費之意願。
摘要(英) According to the Statistical Inquiry Website of the General Bureau of Highways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the number of registered passenger cars reached 7,210,327 as of December 111 (Statistical Inquiry Website of General Bureau of Highways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 2023). Based on the total population of 23,264,640 (Ministry of Interior, Department of Household Affairs, 2023), there was an average of one passenger car for every three people in the country during the same period. Although this value is not the highest in the world, it is an impressive density for a relatively small land area, and represents a huge market opportunity for car warranty. It is expected that the market will be flooded with auto service factories competing for a share of the market. Therefore, such a high density of car ownership not only demonstrates the country′s economic vitality, but also allows the auto-related industries to flourish.
Auto companies usually derive their main revenue from two sources: profits from new car sales and profits from after-sales service warranties. In China, car brand agents or dealers also earn profits in a similar way, with after-sales service warranty accounting for most of the gross profit. Therefore, in recent years, car dealers have been actively investing in the after-sales service warranty market by training skilled technicians and improving software and hardware standards in order to improve customer satisfaction, thereby increasing customer loyalty and keeping customers in their own companies.
However, the auto warranty market is not limited to original service companies, there are many other auto service companies. According to the 105-year Industrial and Commercial Census provided by the Statistical Information Website of the Republic of China (R.O.C.), there are more than 17,000 registered auto service shops in the country (R.O.C. Statistical Information Website, 2023). According to the distribution status of the auto repair market in China, the number of non-factory-operated service plants accounted for 66.7%, or more than 11,000 (Chen, 2013). Most of these non-factory service workshops are operated by individuals or chain systems, which are small in scale and offer a wide range of repair methods. Competition among them is fierce, and their competitive advantages are mainly in terms of price, responsiveness, and flexible and diverse repair solutions.
In this study, the Physical Surrounding, Social Surrounding, Temporal Perspective, and Task Definition of the Situational Theory (Belk, 1975) are used as the concepts. The survey was conducted by using questionnaires to investigate the customers′ willingness to return to the original factory after the warranty period, using the four dimensions of convenience, employee empathy, short waiting time and maintenance reliability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 情境理論
★ 再消費意願
★ 汽車原廠服務廠
關鍵字(英) ★ Contextual theory
★ re-consumption intention
★ original car service plant
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究目的 6
1.4 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 情境理論 9
2.2 再消費意願 11
2.3 服務品質 13
2.4 顧客滿意度 15
2.5 顧客忠誠度 16
2.6 保固的定義 19
2.7 汽車維修業 20
2.8 個案公司介紹 22
第三章 研究設計與方法 27
3.1 研究架構 27
3.2 研究假設 28
3.3 研究方法 32
第四章 研究結果與分析 35
4.1 敘述性統計分析 35
4.2 測量模型 38
4.3 結構模型 43
第五章 結論與建議 45
5.1 研究結論 45
5.2 研究建議 49
5.3 研究限制 51
參考文獻 52
附錄 58
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指導教授 許秉瑜 審核日期 2023-6-21
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