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姓名 鄭羽禎(Yu-Chen Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 基於神經網路之多頻道燈箱光譜生成器
(Spectrum Generator for Multi-Channel Illuminator Based on Neural Network)
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摘要(中) 本研究開發一款14頻道燈箱的光譜生成器,向光譜生成器輸入光參數數值,可獲取符合輸入設定之光譜。透過基因演算法生成數據集,使用數據集訓練神經網路,評估預測表現良好的模型將作為光譜生成器。期望本研究可以幫助使用者在短時間內獲取特定目標的情境光源。
使用基因演算法生成相關色溫(Correlated Color Temperature, CCT)為3000 K、4000 K與5000 K且照度(Illuminance, Ev)為500 lux的數據集,其中包含CCT、色偏差值(Delta u-v, Duv)、平均演色性指數(General Color Rendering Index, Ra)與晝夜節律刺激值(Circadian Stimulus, CS)等光參數與頻道權重。研究過程中對基因演算法的設計進行多次修正,實驗一與二皆使用CCT作為適應函數,但實驗二只使用10頻道。實驗三將適應函數改為Duv。因實驗三的CCT偏差大,所以實驗四設計適應函數為uv座標。
研究結果顯示CS會受到藍色與黃色顏色機制(b-y)的影響,縮小Duv範圍後,4000 K的CS範圍會低於3000 K與5000 K的CS。數據集的光譜普遍具有高Ra。使用uv座標作為適應函數時,可以有效減少CCT預測誤差。當輸入數值落在數據集的光參數範圍內時,光譜生成器均可以產生相對應的光譜。但是光譜生成器的穩定性不足,未來仍需改善。
摘要(英) In this study, we develop a spectrum generator for a fourteen-channel illuminator. The aim is to derive a spectrum that corresponds to input optical parameters from the spectrum generator. After generating datasets via genetic algorithm, we use the datasets to train and evaluate a neural network. The model with the best performance will be chosen as the spectrum generator. We hope to assist users with obtaining specific lighting scenarios within a short time.
We apply genetic algorithm for collecting datasets with a fixed illuminance (Ev) at 500 lux and different correlated color temperature (CCT) at 3000, 4000, and 5000 K. The datasets include channel weights and optical parameters, such as CCT, delta u-v (Duv), general color rendering index (Ra) and circadian stimulus (CS). The design of the genetic algorithm has been revised several times during the research. In the first and second experiments, the fitness function is CCT. In contrast with the first experiment, we only use ten channel weights in the second experiment. The fitness function for the third experiment is changed to Duv. Due to the large deviation of the predicted CCT in the third experiment, we change the fitness function to uv coordinates in the fourth experiment.
After calculating optical parameters of chromosomes and remove infeasible data, the datasets are divided into training dataset, validation dataset and test dataset. Subsequently, the training dataset and validation dataset undergo oversampling. We use the training dataset and validation dataset to train neural networks and evaluate the trained neural networks by comparing the average error between the input optical parameters Xparam and the predicted optical parameters Y’param from the test dataset.
The results show that CS distributions are affected by blue versus yellow color mechanism (b-y). After reducing Duv range, the dataset with the CCT of 4000 K displays a CS distribution with lower values than that of 3000 and 5000 K. The spectra of the datasets generally have high Ra. When using uv coordinates as the fitness function, the deviation of the predicted CCT can be effectively decreased. The spectrum generator can successfully predict the channel weights of desired lighting scenario within the range of the datasets. As long as the input optical parameters are in the the range of optical parameters from the datasets, the spectrum generator is capable of producing corresponding spectra. However, the stability of the spectrum generator is not enough and requires improvement in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光譜生成器
★ 多頻道燈箱
★ 神經網路
★ 基因演算法
★ 晝夜節律刺激值
關鍵字(英) ★ Spectrum Generator
★ Multi-Channel Illuminator
★ Neural Network
★ Genetic Algorithm
★ Circadian Stimulus
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xxi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 光譜與常見光參數 4
2-2 照明對生理影響 10
2-2-1 非視覺系統 12
2-2-2 晝夜節律刺激值(Circadian Stimulus, CS) 14
2-3 探討多頻道燈具的光參數特性 18
2-4 基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA) 21
2-5 神經網路(Neural Network, NN) 24
第三章 光譜生成器的方法與步驟 26
3-1 實驗設計 26
3-1-1 數據集生成方法 29
3-1-2 建構及訓練光譜生成器方法 34
3-1-3 實驗一-適應函數為CCT 38
3-1-4 實驗二-適應函數為CCT (10頻道) 39
3-1-5 實驗三-適應函數為Duv 41
3-1-6 實驗四-適應函數為uv座標 42
3-2 實驗設備 44
3-2-1 光譜可調式多頻道燈箱THOUSLITE LEDCube 44
3-2-2 光源照明分析控制軟體Q_LEDNavigator 45
3-2-3 光源控制軟體照度計THOUSLITE FS 46
3-2-4 色彩照度計CL-70F 46
3-3 實驗步驟 47
3-3-1 模擬照明環境配置 47
3-3-2 實驗流程 49
3-3-3 實驗一-適應函數為CCT 51
3-3-4 實驗二-適應函數為CCT (10頻道) 54
3-3-5 實驗三-適應函數為Duv 54
3-3-6 實驗四-適應函數為uv座標 55
第四章 實驗結果與討論 60
4-1 數據集統計分析結果 60
4-1-1 實驗一-適應函數為CCT 61
4-1-2 實驗二-適應函數為CCT (10頻道) 74
4-1-3 實驗三-適應函數為Duv 93
4-1-4 實驗四-適應函數為uv座標 101
4-2 神經網路預測結果 109
4-2-1 實驗一-適應函數為CCT 109
4-2-2 實驗二-適應函數為CCT (10頻道) 111
4-2-3 實驗三-適應函數為Duv 113
4-2-4 實驗四-適應函數為uv座標 117
4-3 光譜生成器生成結果 124
4-4 光譜生成器結果討論 138
第五章 結論與未來展望 146
5-1 結論 146
5-2 未來展望 147
參考文獻 149
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指導教授 陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-24
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