2011-04-07 |
15KeV H3+離子撞擊含CO及CH鍵化合物與水不同比例之冰晶產生CO、CO2、CH3OH的FTIR光譜分析 ; The FTIR spectra analysis of CO & CH chemical compound production of 15keV H3+ ion bombard on CO & CO2 & CH3OH ice mixed with H2O |
邱振寧; Chiu Chen-Ning |
2009-07-13 |
15keV H3+離子撞擊含NH鍵或CH鍵的化合物與水混合之冰晶 產生CO、CO2與OCN-化合物的FTIR光譜分析 ;15keV H3+ ion bombard the ice that include NH or OH bond chemical compound and H2O mixed, and analyze the quantity of the CO(2138cm-1)、CO2(2341cm-1) and OCN-(2165cm-1) bond that produced |
游宗翰; You-zong Han |
2007-06-14 |
15keV的H3+、H2+、H+離子束撞擊含碳氫鍵( CH bond )或碳氧鍵( CO bond )化合物與水混合之冰晶光譜分析 ;The spectra analysis of 15keV H3+,H2+,H+ ion bombard on H2O ice mixed with CH-bond or CO-bond compounds. |
方鈺琳; YU-LIN FANG |
2007 |
A 16-46 GHz mixer using broadband multilayer balun in 0.18-mu m CMOS technology |
Yang,Tsung-Yu; Chiou,Hwann-Kaeo |
2015-09-11 |
1604泉州地震於海嘯生成之敏感性分析及其對臺灣西部沿海之影響;Impact Intensity Analysis on the 1604 Quanzhou Earthquake Tsunami and the Impacts to the Western Coast of Taiwan |
吳祚任 |
2002-01-10 |
16K下H2O+CO2+NH3混合冰晶的光脫附反應之傅氏紅外光譜; FTIR spectra of EUV Photo-desorbed H2O+CO2+NH3 Mixed Ice System at |
謝智明; Jhi-Ming Sheh |
2001-06-19 |
16QAM調變系統; 16 QAM Modulator |
黃敏瑞; Ming-Ruan Huang |
2006 |
17 beta-Estradiol stimulates resistin gene expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via the estrogen receptor, extracellularly regulated kinase, and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-alpha pathways |
Chen,Yen-Hang; Lee,Meng-Jung; Chang,Hsin-Huei; Hung,Pei-Fang; Kao,Yung-Hsi |
2003-06-13 |
吳瑞鴻; Jui-Hung Wu |
2007-07-04 |
17-4 PH不銹鋼高溫疲勞裂縫成長行為研究; High-Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel |
許貴彰; Kuei-Chang Hsu |
2001-07-01 |
17-4 PH析出硬化型不銹鋼高溫機械性質及疲勞破裂行為之研究(I);High-Temperature Mechanical Properties,Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of 17-4 PH Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel(I) |
林志光 |
2002-07-01 |
17-4 PH析出硬化型不銹鋼高溫機械性質及疲勞破裂行為之研究(II);+B1016High-Temperature Mechanical Properties, Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of 17-4 PH Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel (II) |
林志光 |
2003-07-01 |
17-4 PH析出硬化型不銹鋼高溫機械性質及疲勞破裂行為之研究(III);+B2102High-Temperature Mechanical Properties, Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of 17-4 PH Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel (III) |
林志光 |
2006-07-05 |
17-4PH; 不銹鋼被削性之研究 A Study for cutting of 17-4PH Stainless Steel |
許文通; Wen-Tung Hsu |
2022-09-29 |
17-Hydroxymandarone B 合成之進展;Progress in the Synthesis of 17-Hydroxymandarone B |
彭御鈞; Peng, Yu-Chun |
2020-01-13 |
1879年英國建築師所見的奈良與京都;Nara and Kyoto Seen by an English Architect in 1879 |
巫佩蓉 |
2020-07-30 |
18世紀台灣歷史海嘯研究:1781年加藤港暴漲暨1782年海嘯事件之還原與分析;Historical Tsunamis of Taiwan in the Eighteenth Century:Reconstruction of the 1781 Jiateng Harbor Flooding and 1782 Tsunami Event |
劉天祺; Liu, Tien-Chi |
2012-12-01 |
1900-1937 中國畫壇對「折衷畫」(中西融合畫風)之評論;Chinese Critiques on “Compromised Painting” (Styles Blending East and West) from 1900 to 1937 |
周芳美 |
2012-09-01 |
1900-1937 中國畫壇對「折衷畫」(中西融合畫風)之評論;Chinese Critiques on “Compromised Painting” (Styles Blending East and West) from 1900 to 1937 |
周芳美 |
2021-08-09 |
1906年臺灣梅山地震之動態斷層破裂模擬:單段與多段破裂之比較;Revisiting the 1906 M 7.1 Meishan, Taiwan, Earthquake: A dynamic rupture modeling perspective on single-fault versus multi-fault |
林辰叡; Lin, Chen-Ray |
2014-08-13 |
1909台北歷史地震之地動模擬;Ground motion simulation of 1909 Taipei historical earthquake |
廖怡雯; Liao,Yi-Wun |
2022-07-26 |
1910-1920年代Mary Matteson Wilbur (1872-1957) 和上海美國婦女會對中國藝術的提倡;Promoting Chinese Art: Mary Matteson Wilbur (1872-1957) and the American Woman’S Club of Shanghai in the 1910-1920s |
國立中央大學藝術學研究所 |
2010-08-01 |
1926年費城萬國博覽會中日藝品之展示; The Display of Chinese and Japanese Artworks at the Philadelphia Sesquicentennial International Exposition, 1926 |
周芳美 |
2019-01-21 |
1929年西湖博覽會中的藝術展覽;The Art Exhibition in 1929 West Lake Exposition |
古兆廷; Ku, Chao-Ting |
2014-07-24 |
1930 年代梅州客家人移民海外歷史印記 -以印尼客屬華僑華人際遇為例 |
廖錦梅; Liao,Chin-Mei |