行動裝置所帶來的可攜性與普及化,使得透過行動裝置來存取網際內容成為獲取網際資訊的管道之一,同時由於行動裝置性能的獨特性能,致使透過行動裝置呈現的網際內容,常常出現排版怪異以及大小不一致的狀況,內容調適技術主要用來解決在不同使用者情境瀏覽內容的呈現問題,透過依據使用者特性設計的調適規則對網際內容進行轉換,使得調適後的內容能以較佳的呈現方式送達使用者,爲達此目的,首先我們必須要能夠對組成網際內容的媒體物件進行識別、歸類與群組,以作為調適的依據。因此,我們在論文中提出一套新的資訊區塊偵測方法,透過網際內容中媒體物件的樣式特性,將語意相似的物件區塊偵測出,再對區塊內的媒體物件進行調適,使得該區塊內的媒體物件可以群組方式呈現在使用者面前,以提升調適後內容的可讀性。 Ubiquitous Web accessibility is considered to provide integrated, interoperable, pervasive and seamless content access experiences in terms of users’ surrounding environment and social situation. We propose a content adaptation mechanism to facilitate user browsing Web contents comfortably with diverse devices and analyze the structure of Web contents to extract unit of information (UOI). UOI is the smallest unit that can be displayed and adapted during content adaptation. In addition, we define four types of users’ contexts including situation, accessibility, device and network. We then design the strategies of content adaptation based on the analysis of content structure and users’ contexts to enhance our previous content adaptation mechanism. The proposed mechanism can help users get more accurate browses of Web contents in ubiquitous environments.