隨著網路科技的不斷進步,數位學習(e-Learning)已經成為各國資訊教 育及企業員工訓練的重點項目。本研究利用大一計算機概論之課程,將 輔助之教學網站已Wiki 建置而成,並利用Wiki 之優點在網路上實施一 模擬實務社群,在長時間的經營之下,參照實際公司的專案設計流程, 產生一角色連結知識認知的網路實務社群環境,詳細觀察其角色融入之 情形,並由問卷及訪談得知,學生的確可經由角色來達到實務社群當中 由邊際往中央靠攏的效果。 關 This research use Wiki construction, utilize advantage of Wiki implement one simulation practice community at network already auxiliary teaching website, under long-time management, design the procedure according to the special project of the real company, produce a role and link community's environment of network practice with cognitive knowledge, observe the situation that its role incorporates in detail, learn by questionnaire and interview student can is it reach practice among the community by margin result that central authorities draw close to come via role really.