摘要: | 學生出題與同儕互評是很好的學習策略,有助於學生反思和批判性思考。然而,由於國小學童語文閱讀能力尚未成熟,因此需要較多的引導與輔助,才能讓學童在出題與互評 (Question Posing and Peer Assessment)活動中,獲得學習助益。因此本研究針對國小學童設計了一套Rabi線上出評題系統,可支援出題與評題活動。同時,Rabi系統於出題階段加入評題準則、出題者解釋二個機制,以協助學生順利自我出題;在評題階段加入答題、回顧修改二個機制, 以提升同儕互評的成效。Rabi系統實作後,先後進行兩次的初步預試,收集使用者意見作為系統修正,並在此基礎下,Rabi系統實際應用於一個網路金融理財的出題答評活動。 Question-posing and peer-assessment are two potential leanring strategies that are helpful to students’ self-reflection and critical thinking. However, due to the immaturity of pupils’ literacy ability, they often need more helps or guides in the question-posing and peer-assessment activities. In this study, a web-based question-posing and peer-assessment system, named Rabi, is developed to help pupil perform learning tasks in these two activities. Meanwhile, the Rabi system designs two new features, assessment criteria and notes, to benefit students in the question-posing stage. In addition, question-answering and question-revision are also designed to ensure the effect of peer-assessment. After implementing the Rabi system, two pilot studies were conducted in the elementary school to collect users’ feedbacks for system revision. Nevertheless, the Rabi system was used to support a web-based financial education program for kids. |