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    Showing items 951-975 of 1677. (68 Page(s) Totally)
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    2007 Structure of fast shocks in the presence of heat conduction Tsai,C. L.; Chen,H. H.; Wu,B. H.; Lee,L. C.
    2007 Triple crossings of a string of magnetic islands at duskside magnetopause encountered by AMPTE/IRM satellite on 8 August 1985 Teh,W.-L.; Hau,L.-N.
    2007 Variations in the equatorial ionization anomaly peaks in the Western Pacific region during the geomagnetic storms of April 6 and July 15, 2000 Lin,Chien-Hung; Liu,Jann-Yenq; Tsai,Ho-Fang; Cheng,Chio-Zong
    2006-12-01 利用GPS觀測資料監測地震前電離層全電子含量異常變化(II); Per-Earthquake Ionospheric Gps Tec Anomaly (II) 劉正彥; 陳玉英
    2006-11-01 利用FORMOSAT-3加強觀測電離層結構與變化; Ionospheric Plasma Structure and Variation during the FORMOSAT-3 Intense Observation Period 劉正彥
    2006-07-21 偵測大氣內水平行進之緲子用的帶電粒子偵測器陣列之可行性研究; To study the possibility of using a particle detector array to detect atmospheric muons from near horizon. 向化君; Hua-Chun Hsiang
    2006-07-20 利用MODIS衛星監測地表蒸發散行為; Monitor land surface evaporation by using MODIS data 姚登元; Teng-Yeng Yao
    2006-07-20 典型相關分析應用於衛星遙測影像變遷偵測之研究; Canonical Correlations Analysis Apply to Change Detection in Remote Sensing Image 吳孟宸; Mon-Chen Wu
    2006-07-15 GPS/MET遮蔽觀測foF2 numerical mapping與IRI 模式之比較分析;The analysis of fof2 numerical mapping between GPS/MET and IRI model 郭家禎; Chia-Chen Kuo
    2006-07-12 GPS與探空氣球資料觀測可降水量; 與降雨之關係 On the relationship between GPS and radiosonde observations of precipitable water vapor and precipitation 陳文建; Wen-Chien Chen
    2006-07-12 利用遙測影像反演水稻田蒸發散量 之研究;Using remote sensing imagery to retrieve evapotransporation over paddy field. 簡子杰; Tzu-chieh chien
    2006-07-11 利用GPS訊號估算對流層斜向水氣含量之研究; The use of GPS signals to estimate slant water vapor in Troposphere 謝瀚德; Hang-Ter Shei
    2006-07-07 Fast Magnetosonic Shocks in the interplanetary Space and Magnetosphere 林承忠; Cheng-Chung Lin
    2006-07-07 Simulation and Theoretical Study of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the MHD Plasmas 賴淑華; Shu-hua Lai
    2006-07-07 MODIS和NOAA衛星資料反演之大氣溫濕度剖線在夏季午後對流前兆分析之應用; Prediction of the Summer Afternoon Convection Onset with MODIS and NOAA 莊耀中; Yao-Chung Chuang
    2006-07-01 太空中的非線性電漿波、不穩定性與動力(I); Nonlinear Waves, Instabilities and Dynamics in Space Plasma Environments (I) 郝玲妮
    2006-07-01 太陽風密度對極光電噴流影響事件的極光特性研究; Effects of Solar Wind Density on Auroral Electrojets---Determination of Auroral Characteristics 許志浤
    2006-07-01 亞太電離層赤道異常區之研究---總計畫與子計畫一:赤道異常區電離層電子濃度三維結構(III); The 3-D Structure of the Ionospheric Electron Density in the Equatorial Anomaly Region (III) 劉正彥
    2006-07-01 亞太電離層赤道異常區之研究---子計畫三:建立新的; LITN 網站研究電離層電子濃度三維細結構(III) A Study of 3-D Ionospherical structure by New LITN (III) 劉兆漢; 蔡偉雄
    2006-07-01 亞太電離層赤道異常區之研究---子計畫二:「中華衛星一號電離層電漿電動儀」觀測赤道區及中緯度電漿不規體的統計分析及個案研究; Statistical Study of Equatorial and Midlatitude Spread-F Density Irregularities with ROCSAT-1/IPEI Data and Case Study of Midlatitude Spread-F Density Irrregularity 蘇信一; 呂凌霄
    2006-07-01 雷達探測大氣與太空環境之研究---子計畫六:中壢VHF雷達對流星事件的觀測與研究(III); On the Study of Long Lasting Meteor Event Using the Chung-Li VHF Radar (III) 朱延祥
    2006-07-01 雷達探測大氣與太空環境之研究---子計畫四:利用中壢特高頻雷達對散塊E層不規則體方向靈敏度及垂直角頻寬之研究; The Study of Aspect Angle and Angular Width for Sporadic-E Irregularities Using the Chung-Li VHF Radar 黃健民
    2006-07-01 雷達探測大氣與太空環境之研究---總計畫; Radar Probing the Atmospheres and the Atudies of the Space 劉兆漢
    2006-07-01 利用多元觀測資料探討磁暴時太陽-磁層-電離層的藕合現象(I)中低緯度電離層電動力機制與電漿不規則體結構; Data-Based Investigation of the Storm Time Sun-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Couplings (I) Electrodynamics and Plasma Irregularities in the Low-and Middle-Latitude Ionosphere 葉惠卿
    2006-07-01 雷達探測大氣與太空環境之研究---子計畫五:利用SEEK-2資料研究電離層準週期性回波; Quasi-Periodic Radar Echoes Studies by the SEEK-2 Campaign 潘貞杰

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