隨著資訊科技的發展,電子商務的金流部分漸漸受到消費者的重視,本研究以消費者的觀點加以探討消費者採用個人網路ATM將會受到哪些因素的影響,並更深入的了解各項變數的影響程度。依據Davis在1989提出的科技接受模型為基礎,並認為光是用「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」這兩個因素是不足以解釋消費者的採用個人網路ATM的行為,並認為消費者所感受到的風險足以影響到消費者對此服務的採用意圖。 本研究的設計是以聽過個人網路ATM的網路使用者(YAHOO拍賣、各大BBS站)為樣本,採用網路問卷調查進行。本研究回收樣本共134份,有效樣本共有124份,有效回收率92.5%。 本研究採用線性結構模式來驗證其隱性變數間的因果關係。實證結果顯示,消費者的「使用態度」及「知覺有用性」會直接的影響消費者的「行為意圖」,並發現「使用態度」影響的程度大於「知覺有用性」。同時,「知覺有用性」與「知覺風險」部分構面也顯著的影響了「使用態度」。 本研究並根據研究的結果推論,「知覺易用性」不顯著的影響消費者採用個人網路ATM的「使用態度」,可能是因為本研究未考慮到硬體設備所造成的影響。另外,消費者採用個人網路ATM「知覺風險」的部分構面,可能與採用後得到的利益相比較後造成相當程度上的影響。換言之,當消費者感受到採用後可能得到的利益大於採用後可能產生的「風險成本」時,即使消費者覺得有風險,消費者的「使用態度」並沒有因此受到顯著的影響。 As the information technology developing, the cash flow part of the EC is catching consumer’s eyes. Two factors, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, have been considered to be fundamental in determining the acceptance of various IS in the past decades. However, these factors may not fully explain the user’s behavior in an environment such as “Internet”. In this study, we introduce perceived risk as another factor that has an impact on the acceptance of internet ATM. In this study, we collected 124 cases on the web to survey users’ behavior intention toward internet ATM. The results of statistical analyses using LISREL indicate that if perceived risk has a significant impact on the acceptance of internet ATM. We found that attitude and perceived usefulness had a direct impact on the behavior intention of internet ATM, and the factor “attitude” had more significant impact on it. And in the same time, we found that perceived usefulness and some perceived risk had a significant impact on attitude, too. Two hypotheses, perceived risk and perceived ease of use, have not significant impact on this topic. We conjectured that there are two reasons. 1. We ignored the impact from hard device. 2. Consumer will compare the cost of perceived risk with the advantages if they accept internet ATM.