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    Showing items 201-225 of 951. (39 Page(s) Totally)
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    2019-02-21 序率孔彈性理論之發展與地層下陷研究之應用;The Development and Applications of Stochastic Poroelastic Theory 王士榮
    2019-02-21 放射性核種於多層非均質地質介質遷移快速預測工具發展與安全評估應用;A Fast Predicting Tool for Radionuclide Migration in a Layered Geological Medium and Its Application for Safety Assessment 陳瑞昇; 梁菁萍
    2019-02-21 集水區尺度含水層參數推估技術開發與驗證研究(II);Development and Validation of a Basin-Scale Inverse Model for Estimating Aquifer Parameters (Ii) 陳瑞昇; 梁菁萍
    2019-01-29 利用台灣西南部二仁溪之階地分析探討全新世構造運動;Holocene Tectonics Inferred from Fluvial Terrace Analysis in the Erhjen River (二仁溪), Southwestern Taiwan 哈帝斯; Hadis
    2019-01-25 台灣西南部中寮隧道北端旗山與龍船斷層帶構造特性研究;Characteristics of the Chishan and Lungchuan Faults exposed around the north end of Zhongliao Tunnel, Southwestern Taiwan 藺于鈞; Lin, Yu-Chun
    2019-01-22 不同排水條件下高嶺土的速度相依摩擦特性及溫度測量;Velocity-dependent frictional properties of kaolinite clay under different drainage conditions with temperature measurement 潘克頁; Viet, Pham Quoc
    2019-01-22 利用質點傳輸進行三維離散裂隙含水層內之化學反應傳輸模擬;Particle tracking approach to model chemical reaction transport in 3D discrete fracture networks 方譚; Thanh, VU Phuong
    2019-01-22 雨量誘發山崩潛感分析及驗證-以台灣曾文水庫集水區為例;Rainfall Triggered Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Validation in the Zengwen Reservoir Catchment, Taiwan 傳創; Hieu, Truong-Tran Hoai
    2019-01-22 海底地滑:台灣西南海域手掌海脊個案研究;A Submarine Landslide Case Study from Palm Ridge, Offshore Southwestern Taiwan 凡古源; Van, Nguyen Trong
    2019-01-03 以離散元素法模擬苗栗出磺坑地區構造演育與裂隙分布評估;Study of Structural Evolution and Fracture Distribution through Distinct Element Method in Chuhuangkeng Area, Miaoli 陳彥如; Chen, Yen-Ju
    2018-12-19 107 年低放射性廢棄物坑道處置安全審驗技術建立之驗證評估研究;Verification studies on developing review techniques for safety assessment on low-level waste tunnel disposal 董家鈞; 龔誠山; 李明旭; 楊長義; 林文勝; 李宏輝
    2018-12-19 三維放射性核種衰變鏈遷移快速預測工具發展與劑量風險評估;Fast Tool for Plume Migration of Radionuclide Decay Chain and Its Application to Dose and Health Risk Assessment 陳瑞昇; 梁菁萍
    2018-12-19 土壤地下水智慧管理及網頁模擬平台開發與模場驗證 倪春發; 李奕賢
    2018-12-19 水力內寬與力學內寬-不同圍壓條件下岩體節理之水力-力學耦合特性研究;Hydraulic and Mechanical Apertures - Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Rock Joint under Low to High Confining Pressure 董家鈞
    2018-12-19 台南層與台南面之再研究;Tainan Formation and Tainan Surface – a Revisit 李錫堤
    2018-12-19 地下水污染宿命與傳輸解析解模式開發( II );Development of Analytical Model for Groundwater Contaminat Fate and Transport( II ) 陳瑞昇; 劉振宇; 梁菁萍
    2018-12-19 考慮非平衡吸附的滲透性反應牆-含水層系統的雙區域多物種污染傳輸的全新解析解模式;A Novel Dual-Domain Analytical Model for Multispecies Contaminant Transport Subject to Nonequilibrium Sorption in a Permeable Reactive Barrier-Aquifer System 陳瑞昇; 梁菁萍
    2018-12-19 序率孔彈性理論之發展與地層下陷研究之應用;The Development and Applications of Stochastic Poroelastic Theory 王士榮
    2018-12-19 放射性廢棄物處置設施之地震影響評估方法回顧;Review of Seismic Hazard Assessment for Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities 李錫堤
    2018-12-19 桃園地區新期大地構造及地貌演化;Neotectonics and Morphologic Evolution in Taoyuan Area, Northwestern Taiwan 黃文正
    2018-12-19 集水區尺度含水層參數推估技術開發與驗證研究(II);Development and Validation of a Basin-Scale Inverse Model for Estimating Aquifer Parameters (II) 陳瑞昇; 劉振宇; 梁菁萍
    2018-12-19 錦水背斜與出磺坑背斜之早中新統木山層有機質沉積特性對比研究;Organic Characteristics of Early Miocene Mushan Formation: Comparison between Cs and Chk Anticlines 蔡龍珆
    2018-12-19 總計畫暨子計畫:以指標評估方法結合數值模式量化分析河川伏流水豐枯時期地表地下水交換機制(II);Integrated Index Overlay and Numerical Models to Quantify Dynamics of River and Groundwater Interactions in Hyporheic Zones in Dry and Wet Seasons (II) 倪春發; 郭志禹; 游景雲; 羅偉誠; 許少華; 劉宏仁; 江莉琦
    2018-12-01 序率孔彈性理論之發展與地層下陷研究之應用 ;The Development and Applications of Stochastic Poroelastic Theory 王士榮
    2018-08-22 利用CT影像分析台灣西部濱海地區砂岩水力參數尺度效應;Use CT images to assess the scale effect and variations of hydraulic parameters of sandstone samples in western coastal area of Taiwan 伍韻安; Wu, Yun-An

    Showing items 201-225 of 951. (39 Page(s) Totally)
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