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    顯示項目101-150 / 316. (共7頁)
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    2016-08-31 以環境因素與活動層級資料評選異常流程;Using Contextualized Activity-Level Duration to Discover Irregular Process Instances in Business Operations 許秉瑜
    2016-08-31 台灣地區中小型企業綠色供應鏈實踐模式之探討;Green Supply Chains Implementation Model of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in Taiwan 呂俊德
    2016-08-31 左手拐用右手來握手會彆扭嗎?資訊處理慣性的觀點;Feel Good When Sinistrals Use Right Hand to Shake? the Influence of Processing Inertia on Product Attitude 林建煌
    2016-08-31 客戶創新:實證上定量的統合分析;Customer Innovativeness: a Quantitative Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Evidence 鄭明松
    2016-08-31 建構批發業及零售業在IFRS與綠色環境下之多目標決策模式研究;A Study on the Mcdm Models of the Wholesale, and Retail Industry under the Ifrs and Green Environment 蔡文賢
    2016-08-31 探討企業轉用公有雲資訊系統意願之研究;The Factors Affecting the Switching Intention of Enterprise Adopting Public Cloud Based E-Business Software 許秉瑜
    2016-08-31 探討醫病關係、療效期望以及行為意圖在Donabedian醫療照護品質模式(醫療結構-醫療過程-醫療結果)之中介效果;Investigate the Mediating Effects of Physician-Patient Relationship, Treatment Expectancy and Behavior Intention on the Quality of Medical Care Model by Donabedian’S Structure-Process-Outcome 張東生
    2016-08-31 期中報告揭露頻率與會計異常現象;Interim Reporting Disclosure Frequency and Accounting Anomaly 曹壽民
    2016-08-31 資訊科技互動下的購買新機制:線上合購行為之跨層次研究;A Study of Online Group-Buying Behavior through Information Technology---A Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Model 洪秀婉
    2016-08-31 領導者與部屬交換關係與員工的工作需求、工作倦怠與當責關係之研究:論組織自尊、組織支持和組織認同之中介作用;Leader-Member Exchange and Employees$ Job Demand, Burnout, and Felt Accountability: the Mediation of Organizational-Based Self-Esteem, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Identity 陳春希; 葉穎蓉
    2016-08-31 應用社群媒體探勘分析虛擬實境用於教育的趨勢、情感態度與影響者;Analyzing Trends, Sentiments, and Influencers of Vi Rtual Reality in Education through Mining Social Media 沈建文
    2016-08-31 檢視分析師長期盈餘預測對於構建投資組合效益;The role played by analyst long-horizoned earnings forecasts for enhancing the returns of investment portfolios? 黃承祖
    2016-03-29 ERP系統下的IFRS轉換影響因素與效益之探索性研究;An Exploratory Study on the Influential Factors and Benefits of IFRS Conversion 蔡文賢
    2016-03-29 一鳥在手?二鳥在林?影響抉擇的因素為何?;A Birds in the Hand? Two Birds in the Bush? What Do Factors Influence Decisions? 林建煌
    2016-03-29 大腦放電改變你對產品的看法?腦波對於行銷刺激物與產品知覺的中介作用;Brain Discharge Changes Your Opinions toward the Products? The Mediating Effect of Brain Waves between Marketing Stimulus and Products’ Perceptions 林建煌
    2016-03-29 以環境因素與活動層級資料評選異常流程;Using Contextualized Activity-Level Duration to Discover Irregular Process Instances in Business Operations 許秉瑜
    2016-03-29 在作業成本制之下,結合碳稅、產能擴充及外包策略於綠色品質管理之產品組合決策模型;Incorporating Carbon Tax , Capacity Expansion and Outsourcing Strategy into Product-Mix Decision Model with Green Quality Management under Activity-Based Costing (ABC) 蔡文賢
    2016-03-29 真誠領導與增進型角色外行為之研究:員工知覺的中介影響;Linking Employee Perception to Authentic Leadership and Promotive Extra-Role Beehavior 陳春希
    2016-03-29 區域物流中心在使用電動車情況下的商品配送途程計劃方法之發展;A Distribution Planning Method for the Regional Logistics Center Using Electric Vehicles 呂俊德
    2016-03-29 期中報告揭露頻率與會計異常現象;Interim Reporting Disclosure Frequency and Accounting Anomaly 曹壽民
    2016-03-29 集團企業與投資效率之關係─以中國上市企業為例;The Relationship between Business Groups and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms 洪榮華
    2016-03-29 資訊科技互動下的購買新機制:線上合購行為之跨層次研究;A Study of Online Group-Buying Behavior through Information Technology---A Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Model 洪秀婉
    2016-03-29 網路屬性在線上零售的角色:統合分析;Generalization of Website Attributes in E-Retailing via Meta-analysis 鄭明松
    2016-03-29 整合DEMATEL方法評估雲端長照系統的TRIZ創新原則;Integrating DEMATEL Approach to Evaluate the TRIZ’s Inventive Principles for the Long-Term Care in Cloud Computing System 張東生
    2016-03-29 應用社群網路分析與情感分析於大規模開放式線上課程之社群媒體研究;Investigating Moocs through Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis on Social Media 沈建文
    2015-01-08 ERP系統下的IFRS轉換影響因素與效益之探索性研究;An Exploratory Study on the Influential Factors and Benefits of IFRS Conversion 蔡文賢
    2015-01-08 大腦放電改變你對產品的看法?腦波對於行銷刺激物與產品知覺的中介作用;Brain Discharge Changes Your Opinions toward the Products? The Mediating Effect of Brain Waves between Marketing Stimulus and Products’ Perceptions 林建煌
    2015-01-08 企業社會責任對經營績效之研究: 探討市場導向的調節效果;A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility on Business Performance: Exploring the Moderating Effect of Market Orientation 林明杰
    2015-01-08 併購案中的品牌更名策略:功能性核磁共振造影在神經行銷學的觀點;Rebranding in Mergers and Acquisitions: An Approach of Fmri in Neuromarketing 鄭明松
    2015-01-08 建構以差額變數為基礎之非輻射型標竿模式評估新決策單位效率;Develop the Benchmarking Model with Modified Slacks-Based Measure to Evaluate the Efficiency of New DMUs 張東生
    2015-01-08 後股權分置改革期中國股票市場所有權集中度與權益資金成本以及超額現金和投資、股利政策之關係;The Relationship between Ownership Concentration and Cost of Equity Capital as Well as Those between Excess Cash Holdings, Investment and Dividend Policies during the Post-Split-Share Structure Reform in China’s Stock Market 洪榮華
    2015-01-08 真誠領導與工作績效、工作熱愛與知識分享: 論心理賦能、正向心理資本、組織信任之中介影響;Mechanisms Linking Authentic Leadership, Performance, Work Engagement, and Knowledge Sharing: The Mediation of Psychological Empowerment, Positive Psychological Capital, and Organizational Trust 陳春希
    2015-01-08 探討個人與國家文化特色及顧客對知識分享意圖的影響;The Effects of the Individual$S and Country's Cultural Values and Customers on Knowledge-Sharing Intentions 許秉瑜
    2015-01-08 韌性災害回應:應用社群網路服務於行動政府;Resilient Disaster Response: Using Social Networking Services in M-Government 沈建文
    2015-01-08 會計保守性與多角化;Accounting Conservatism and Diversification 曹壽民
    2014-03-11 一鳥在手?二鳥在林?影響抉擇的因素為何?;A Bird in the Hand? Two Birds in the Bush? What Do Factors Influence Decisions? 林建煌
    2014-03-11 資訊科技的接受與抗拒:使用者行為理論之研究;Acceptance and Resistance of Information Technology: A Study of Users' Behavior 洪秀婉
    2013-12-01 「產品傷害危機」:「口碑訊息」特異性對「口碑溝通」之有效性的影響;Product Harm Crises: The Impact of Information Specificity on Word-Of-Mouth (WOM) Effectiveness 鄭明松
    2013-12-01 一鳥在手?二鳥在林?影響抉擇的因素為何?;A Bird in the Hand? Two Birds in the Bush? What Do Factors Influence Decisions? 林建煌
    2013-12-01 不確定性與干擾變數如何影響消費者之愉悅感;The Study of How Uncertainty and Moderators Affect Consumer Enjoyment 林建煌
    2013-12-01 中國股權分置改革對關係人交易,資金成本以及現金持有之影響;The Impacts of Chinese Split Share Structure Reform on Related-Party Transactions, Cost of Capital and Cash Holdings 洪榮華
    2013-12-01 公司增加揭露的經濟後果:月營收揭露、月盈餘揭露與法人說明會的角色;The Economic Consequences of Incresed Dsiclosure: The Role of Monthly Revenues Disclosure, Monthly Earnings Disclosure and Conference Call 曹壽民; 金成隆
    2013-12-01 航空業、營建業與一般製造業的綠色決策模式之研究--多元方法之應用;A Study on Green Decision-Making Models in Airline, Construction, and Manufacturing Industries 蔡文賢
    2013-12-01 區域物流中心在考量碳排放量情況下的配送途程計劃方法之發展;A Distribution Planning Method with the Consideration of Carbon Emissions for the Regional Logistics Center 呂俊德
    2013-12-01 推薦系統應用於遏止走私攻擊以捍衛國家安全;Applying Recommender Systems to Defend National Borders from Smuggling Attacks 許秉瑜
    2013-12-01 散裝乾貨運價與原油價格之結構變動與時間性因果分析;Structural Change and Temporal Causality of Dry Bulk Freight and Crude Oil Price 沈建文
    2013-12-01 發展衡量無形資本延續效果之動態資料包絡分析模式;Modeling the Carry-Over Effect of Intangible Capital into Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis 張東生
    2013-12-01 資訊科技的接受與抗拒:使用者行為理論之研究;Acceptance and Resistance of Information Technology: A Study of Users' Behavior 洪秀婉
    2013-12-01 團隊成員交換關係、領導者與部屬交換關係對員工之負向回饋探求行為與工作績效之影響—以多層次觀點探討角色壓力之中介機制;A multilevel analysis of effects of team-member exchange and leader-member exchange on employees’ negative feedback-seeking behavior and performance: The mediation of perceived role pressure 陳春希
    2013-12-01 綠色信任和綠色創造力:探討環境協同合作之角色;A Study of Green Trust on Green Creativity: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Environmental Collaboration 林明杰

    顯示項目101-150 / 316. (共7頁)
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