本研究以台灣金控子銀行為主題,目的為分析金控子銀行效率變化,以瞭解台灣地區銀行加入金控前後對於子銀行效率表現是否有影響並試著找出影響效率的相關因素,茲做為未來金控子銀行效率改進參考。資料來源取自台灣經濟新報資料庫、財政部發行之金融業務統計輯要與本國銀行營運績效報表,以88年至93年台灣金控公司14家子銀行為研究對象。研究方法採用三階段DEA模型對銀行效率值進行估計,第一階段以原始資料求得調整前的原始效率值,第二階段調整環境變數,包含資產規模、分行數、官股與否與主要核心業務等四項外在環境變數。並同時調整隨機誤差,重新將調整過後的投入量再代入DEA模型,可得調整後第三階段之效率值。最後以GDP缺口、併入金控年及銀行的業務構面、資產品質構面及風險管理構面等變數以Tobit迴歸模型來找出對效率值影響的主要原因,以探討銀行效率值的變化。 實証結果顯示,經過環境變數與隨機誤差項調整後,效率值第一階段與第三階段存在顯著差異,顯示環境變數與隨機干擾項確實影響銀行效率表現。經過調整後,第三階段所得之效率值已去除環境變數與隨機誤差之影響,更能代表銀行經營管理效率,並以此效率值作為分析銀行加入金控後效率之根據。 而金控子銀行加入金控後的效率值實證結果發現對於配置效率及成本效率為明顯負的影響。而GDPGAP對效率值的影響經由實證發現並無太直接的相關。至於業務構面、資產品質構面及風險管理構面對效率值的影響,經由實證發現:對中小企業放款餘額及自動化服務的ATM裝設台數對銀行的經營效率值呈正向且顯著的影響。而放款業務成長率對技術效率及規模效率有顯著負向影響;投資業務成長率則對純粹技術效率有顯著負向影響。資產品質構面以逾放比率來衡量發現其對銀行的效率值是負的顯著影響。風險管理構面以資本適足率及存放比率來衡量發現:風險管理對於配置效率及經濟效率皆為顯著的負相關,表示銀行應注意經營風險的控管,否則易導致經營成本的提高使銀行經營效率降低。 This study aims to measure operational efficiency of bank and tries to find the factors which do for efficiency improvement reference. The research used 3-stage data envelopment analysis ( 3 DEA) model and based on samples of 14 domestic financial holding subsidiary banks during the period from 1999 to 2004. We can find five operational efficiencies in stage 1 DEA : total technical efficiency(TE), pure technical efficiency(PTE), scale efficiency(SE), allocation efficiency(AE) and cost efficiency(CE) . Then, adjusted the impacts of different environmental effects managerial inefficiency and random statistical noise in stage 2 DEA . It adjusted downward the inputs of these banks in amounts determined by the extent which they have been disadvantaged by their relatively unfavorable environmental effects or by their relatively bad luck.The four environmental variables are : scales, branches, official stock-holds or not and main formation. After which, we conduct 3 DEA analysis using the adjusted inputs and original outputs then comparing the score between 1 DEA and 3 DEA . Finally, this study employ censored Tobit regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between efficiency score and the other items. The other items are : joins year, GDPGAP, busiss management, capital quality management and risk management. Research discovers different scores between 1 DEA and 3DEA score obviously. The empirical results shows : The banks join financial holding compancy result displays obvious negative influence on the allocation efficiency and the cost efficiency. The efficiency of GDPGAP does not have the direct relation. Loans for medium enterprises and automated service (ATM) has positive influence on the operational efficiency. Still, the growth rate of loans has negative influence on the total technical efficiency and the scale efficiency. The capital quality management and risk management are negative influence on the efficiencies. The analysis shows that the bank should pay attention to the bank’s management items in order to enhance the operational efficiency.