本文希望:對處於中國傳統散文不被重視的兩晉文,重探其價值所在。文章駢、散之分歷來已久,二者非文體之別,乃修辭之異耳!故駢散之爭實屬無謂。後人常稱六代駢儷,尤以齊、梁為甚,兩晉文為駢文興盛的過渡期,基本上除了幾個駢文大家,如陸機以外,多數作家的文章樣貌,與後世所謂的駢文仍有差距,而中唐古文運動的興起,六朝文被打入萬丈深淵,連帶的使兩晉那些說駢不駢,言散非散的作品,落個無人問津的局面。有鑑於此,本論文欲對兩晉文作研究,而文體繁多,魏晉時期,說理散文成就甚高,筆者選擇「政論」來研究。本文共計五章,第一章說明研究動機,第二章從晉代思想氛圍的背景與政論作品關係研究,第三章則作漢、晉政論之比較,第四章乃作家作品析論,第五章總結歷代對晉代政論的評論。 In this research we would like to re-explore the value of Two Jin. Two Jin was an essay which was not paid much attention in our traditional literature in China.We finally found out that we differetiated varieties of the Pian and San not from the literary form but its rhetoric. Therefore there is no reason for us to discuss more the competition between the Pian and San. Pian-Li which people called was a literary form for six dynasty and was very popular in Qi and Liang in the China history. The Two Jin period was a transition to full Pian. But lots of works of literature at that time had different level by their writer which we hard to call it Pian as we known the formal form recently. Only the few professional like Lu-Ji could show it as a real Pian production. In the mid-Tong period people joined an exercise to restore ancient ways since that the Pian and San was no longer for people to use. In the Wei Jin period the essay discussed in logic was very common. In this research we choosed the political comments as our main guiding principle. There were five chapters in this article. The First chapter described the motive, the second one discussed the relationship between the background and the literary products in the period of Jin. The chapter three compared the political comments between the period of Han and Jin. We had analysis for the literary products in chapter four. The chapter five summarized the comments on political comments in the period of Jin for these years.