苗栗縣西湖鄉境內群山懷抱,許多方言分佈在其中,包括四縣、海陸、饒平,及閩語。諸多方言之中,一群說海陸的人口在音韻和詞彙上,出現了四縣聲韻,和海陸聲調融合的情形。 本文的研究目的,在探討目前四海話的研究中,尚可進行調查的類型,即西湖鄉的海四話。並在文中與平鎮、楊梅、關西、峨眉、南庄,和頭份等其它海四話地區著手分杴和比較。本文的資料來源,來自於在西湖鄉境內的甪野調查,且以母語為海陸客家話發音人做為語音及詞彙調查的對象。 本文的研究方法主要為甪野調查法,以中國社會科學院語言研究所出爯的《方言調查字表》為語音調查的?考資料,並以北京大學中國語言文學系語言學教研室編著的《漢語方言詞匯》,做為詞彙的調查依據。 西湖海四話的語音特色,聲母方陎在知三章組部份字讀舌葉音。細音前的聲母顎化,與四縣相同,與海陸客家話不顎化的聲母不同。韻母則受四縣影響。聲調大致與海陸相同,詞彙則保留部份海陸的特色,多與四縣相同。? 研究結果顯示西湖鄉海四話在聲韻調上受四縣影響頗大,韻母幾乎沒有海陸客家話的特色。未來西湖海四話與臺灣其它地區的四海話,是否將發展至更新的型態,則有待之後的觀察與探討。There are amounts of dialects in Shi- Hwu Country, which is surrounded by emerald mountains, such as Si- Xian, Hai- Lu, Rao- Pin, and Min. Among these, The researching aim of this dissertation is finding one of the “Si- Hai”Dialect categories which can still be discussed. And it was compared with other “Si- Hai”Dialect distrcts like Ping- Jen City, Yang- Mei Township, Guan- Si Township, E- Mei Township, Nan- Jhuang Township, and Tou- Fen Township in Taiwan in phonological and phrasal respects. The data resourses in this dissertation are from fieldtrip in Shi- Hwu Country, and the interviewees are people whose mother languages are all Hai- Lu Dialects. One of the essential researching methods in this dissertation is fieldtrip study. It is base on the reference published by Chinese Academy of Social Science, for phonological investigations, and another reference named “Chinese Dialect Lexicon”for doing phrasal researches. The study shows that Shi- Hwu “Hai- Si”Dialect is extremely influenced by Si- Xian Dialect. There are almost no Hai- Lu distinguishing features in simple or compound vowels. In the future, if Shi- Hwu “Hai- Si”Dialect and the other “Si- Hai”Dialect districts will become another brand- new type of language, depending on later investigations and discussions.