在漢語語音發展史上,歷來對「入聲」的研究一直是漢語語音史上的一個重要課題。由於入聲在大部分地區都已經消失了,僅有少數方言仍保有入聲,就其發展而言無論在共時上還是歷時上都有不少問題需要重新考察及認識,而且入聲和其他聲調不同,短促變化多端,為漢語語音帶來相當豐富且多樣的變化。 有鑑於此,本文利用《方言調查字表》所列607個入聲字對入聲問題作一重新的思考,歷時方面不僅找出單一的方言點入聲方面和廣韻系統的對應關係,上溯下推以求其整體性,由中古音到現代方言的演化過程,有橫向結構規律的概括,也有縱向演變規律的總結,並綜合說明客語入聲古今語音的演變過程及規律,著重討論其方言接觸和擴散的過程,以釐清有關入聲的一些混淆概念,並做為筆者研究客家音韻的基礎入門。In Chinese Phonology, the historical development of the entering tone is quite different from the other three ones. There are various rules of development and thus a variety of forms of an entering-tone word in modern dialects. Till now, the study of the entering tone is one of the most significant parts of the study of Chinese Phonology. The entering tone conserves only in few Chinese dialects. Issues and problems of the entering tone should be dealt with again both diachronically and synchronically. The process of people’s migration is also concerned in this research. This study aims on the entering-tone words in Sixian Hakka, with “Guang Yun” as a comparison. After the comparative analysis, we can see how the sounds changed and find out loan words from other Chinese or non-Chinese dialects. Also, we may probably solve the problems of “the original characters” of the sounds and the historical stratum of sounds in Sixian Hakka. The data discussed in this research are 607 entering-tone words from “方言調查字表 ( Word List for Dialect Investigation ) ”. We have compared the modern sounds with “Guang Yun” so as to examine the sound-change rules and directions. We have also applied the concept of language contact and lexical diffusion in our analysis.