現今組織中的績效考核,往往由於缺乏公正的評量,而使人力資源管理的效益不如預期。過去研究幾乎未針對擔責(Accountability)與參考架構訓練(Frame of Reference Training)實驗設計做探討。因此,本研究採用實驗設計,讓考核者對績效評估擔責,以及使用參考架構訓練,以檢視其提升考核品質的效果。最後以整合性的觀點,交互進行擔責與參考架構訓練,再次檢驗考核正確度的提升。本研究以台灣北部某一大型醫院中68位中、高階主管為研究樣本,將其分成六組:(1)程序擔責組並接受參考架構訓練;(2)結果擔責組並接受參考架構訓練;(3)無擔責組並接受參考架構訓練;(4)程序擔責組,無訓練;(5)結果擔責組,無訓練;(6)無擔責組,亦無訓練。研究結果發現,接受參考架構訓練的考核者對寬容誤差與考核正確度有顯著影響,同時擔責與接受參考架構訓練的考核者亦對寬容誤差與考核正確度有顯著影響,而擔責組本身不具任何影響。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論並對後續研究與績效管理提供參考方向。 This study tested effects of holding performance rater accountable for either the procedural or outcome accountability they follow to make evaluation or trained with frame of reference (FOR) training on rating accuracy. 68 hospital managers listened to voice clips of 3 telephone marketers solicitation and processed performance rating in an experiment, which crossed 3 levels of accountability with 2 levels of FOR training. The impact of the accountabilities and FOR training on rating accuracy was assessed across six conditions in the following experimental framework: (1) no accountability trained with FOR training, (2) procedural accountability with FOR training, (3) outcome accountability with FOR training, (4) no accountability without training, (5) procedural accountability without training, (6) outcome accountability without training. The dependent variable was the correlation on leniency, halo, and distance accuracy of performance ratings in field settings. Results showed that FOR training upgrades rating accuracy and reduces halo effect, and outcome accountability with FOR training increased rating accuracy and procedural accountability lowered it.