服務產業在許多國家已成為國家經濟中最主要的經濟來源之一,位於亞洲國家的台灣也不例外。台灣政府近期積極推動六大新興產業做為台灣下個黃金十年重要經濟目標之一,並以台灣本土創新方法推動本土服務產業持續地發展,這套新的方法稱為服務體驗工程。本研究目的是應用此方法於台灣的文化產業以及日間照顧產業洞悉顧客的聲音,藉由顧客的反應規劃出一套顧客所偏好的活動方案以及服務項目等。研究結果,在文化產業上已成功找出遊客最偏好活動的方案組合,其中包含了:舉辦親子繪畫比賽,鄉村生活體驗露營,蓮子特產供應遊客選購,大王蓮供遊客體驗漂浮的快感並規劃白河蓮花田與地方特色風景於自行車路線中。除此之外,在日間照顧產業找到了老人對於日間照顧服務的需求並提供有可能發生的潛在服務失誤點提供給管理者作為日後改善服務流程的依據。 Service industries in many countries have become a major source of economic contribution. Voice of the customer (VOC) becomes important for enterprise success. The main purpose of this research is applying service experience engineering in cultural and day care Service Industries. The result of this research, for cultural industry: we successfully developed an optimal activities profile for visitors’ preference. This optimal activities profile include: parent-child drawing contests, rural life experience camping, lotus seeds products for tourists to purchase, the huge lotus leafs for tourists to experience, bicycle routes among Baihe lotus fields, and special local features. In addition, for day care service industry: we found the elderly requirement and service operations process for manager to prevent potential service failures. The management implications of this research not only assist to managers to plan a variety of activities for visitors' preference and improve service quality for elderly needs but also available for researchers to use.