摘要: | 節能減碳已經是世界的趨勢,企業已經不再像過去只追求效率生產的經濟模式,帶有綠色思維的供應鏈管理甚至運籌管理,日益被重視及討論。在Sarkis(1998)提出的綠色供應鏈管理架構中,儲運(Outbound Logistics)為其下的構面之一,藉由妥善規劃的儲運計劃,可以達到降低綠色成本的目的。配銷網路在運送貨物的過程中,經常使用到車輛來進行搬運,造成燃料消耗並產生碳排放,因此可以藉由車輛途程規劃(Vehicle-Routing Planning)來避免不必要的浪費。在過去已有數種車輛途程規劃方法被提出,大部份是以距離或時間為成本項目進行規劃,其中包括Golden et al.(1984)所提出的節省法(Savings Heuristics),以車輛行駛距離估計變動成本,同時考慮到車輛使用的固定成本,藉由反覆併車達到降低成本金額支出的目的。本研究將會以節省法作為原型進行修改,提出一個新的架構,使其能夠將車輛行駛速度納入成本計算基礎中,達到研究目的發展出能降低碳排放的車輛途程規劃方法。It was a trend of the world to conserve energy to reduce carbon emission, and more and more important to discuss the green idea of the supply chain management, even the distribution logistics. The companies not only seek the efficiency of the production, but also the environment protection. The outbound logistics is a dimension of the green supply chain management which proposed by Sarkis (1998). It’s probable to achieve the purpose of reducing green cost, by well-designing of the outbound logistics.We usually use many vehicles to transfer goods from site to site in the distribution network. It makes a lot of fuel consumption and carbon emission. To avoid unnecessary waste, the companies perform the Vehicle-Routing Problem (VRP) planning. There are many kinds of VRP planning methods which had been proposed. Most of them are planned base on the distance or time cost, including the Savings Heuristics proposed by Golden et al. (1984). Golden estimated for the variable cost base on the vehicle-traveling distance and considered the fixed cost of the vehicles at the same time. Savings Heuristics can reduce the cost by merging two vehicles again and again, until without any possible improvement. To achieve the purpose of this research, developing a VRP planning base on green cost to reduce the carbon emission, the research will modify the framework of Savings Heuristics and make it can estimate green cost with the speed of the vehicles. |