我們觀察到方便的行動連線裝置的普及以及低價電腦的出現,創造了一個把數位學習推入一個新境界的力量。當每名學生可以擁有一或多台學習輔具(一對一數位學習) 就具備了在不同情境(或環境) 中學習經驗得以持續之性質,提供改善正規或非正規教育的一個主要動力,使得不管在研究或實踐上,一對一數位學習成為一個全球趨勢。在這個過程中,中央大學扮演了積極角色。本卓越研究中心計畫承接第一期「數位學習國家型科技計畫」之「卓越團隊」計畫,擴充為第二期「數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫」之「卓越研究中心」計畫,透過前瞻數位學習之研究、實驗與推廣、建構研究社群與國際合作、以及結合台灣的核心產業──電子硬體製造業──進行學習機與教室科技的產學合作等項目,期能成為全球頂尖數位學習研究中心。 ; We have observed the emergence of mobile, connected, personal, and low-priced computing device is thrusting technology enhanced learning into a new realm, both in research and in practice. One-to-one learning, in which every student uses at least one computing device to learn, enables learning experience to continue even the situated learning environments may switch from one another. Thus, formal or informal, the real world education will be potentially greatly improved by one-to-one learning. Succeeding and extending the previous Excellence Research Team project, besides doing academic research, this Project of Center for Excellence Research will conduct field studies and disseminations, build local research communities, collaborate with world class international research teams, and partner with local computer hardware industry to assist personal learning device and class technology development, in the hope that we ourselves will become one of the world class research teams. ; 研究期間 9712 ~ 9807