本研究是以屏東縣佳冬鄉昌隆、豐隆二村的拜新丁儀式為研究對象,從裡頭 拜新丁儀式的展演,以及其交換新丁粄的交換行為,來分析在客家社會新生兒身 分的建構過程。本研究是透過深度訪談法以及參與觀察法進入田野現場,從參與 觀察中可以知道儀式的展演過程,以及在儀式中人與人的互動;而深度訪談則是 實際對於交換新丁粄的交換過程,可進行深度的了解。 本研究大致上分成兩個部份來論述:第一個是以廟中準備儀式事宜的狀況、 以及儀式的展演過程,儀式作為身份轉化的機制,他是如何在儀式中轉化,儀式 在漢人社會代表了何種意涵?除了儀式的觀察是為本研究的焦點所在,另外一個 部份是家戶間、與社區間、與跨社區間的交換行為為觀察對象,他所呈現的交換 新丁粄的狀況,可以了解到新生兒身分藉由交換新丁粄再確認;也可以從發送新 丁粄的交換當中,觀察出團體的界線改變的與否,以及觀察出發送者的人際網絡 關係。 The subject of this research is the ceremony of “Bai-sin-din” at two villages of Jai-don division of Pindon county in Taiwan. I analyse the process in construction of identity from neonates(or infants) in Hakka society through the performance of “Bai-sin-din” ceremony and exchange of “ new birth cakes”. The method of this thesis is in-depth interview to understand the performance of ceremony and participation-observation in to the field to control the exchange behaviors of new birth cake . This research divides into two parts: first, what does it imply from the ceremony arrangement, performance and be the mechanism of identity transformation in the Hans society? Second, how do we reconfirm the identity of neonates , observe the change of groups boundary and understand the relationship of the senders through the exchange activities of new birth cakes from families, communities and cross-communities ?