原料藥是生醫製藥產業的原料供應來源,世界原料藥總體市場約400~500億美元,然而,台灣的整體醫藥市場佔全球不到百分之一的比率,可見在政府的推動下未來成長空間仍然可期。本研究以個案分析方式進行,研究對象為A 公司,該公司近年來雖逐漸成長,但面臨的產業環境改變及國際競爭對手的經營整合之龐大壓力,本研究經由相關文獻及次級資料的整理與探討,利用產業分析,並經由內外部的環境分析找出產業的競爭優勢,並進一步探討原料藥產業個案公司之關鍵成功因素及經營策略,以提供個案公司、業界及學術界參考。本研究發現A公司具有:掌握關鍵性技術、注重品質。新產品開發能力佳、市場敏感度高,反應快速及經營者產學地位高等關鍵成功因素。但現行之策略仍存在著:缺乏自有土地及中長期資金、長期投資之規劃仍不完善、產能及生產空間不足,生產成本高、獲利能力未充分被發揮等問題。本研究針對A公司提出五點建議:(1)購建自有營運基地,以確實掌握產能規劃;(2)專注於製程難度高、批次產量小之利基市場,以客製化產品為特色;(3)整合生產管理資訊系統,提高訂單及排程穩定性,以符合目標市場客戶的需求;(4)開發新客戶並以品質優勢爭取差異化利潤。;(5)利用委外代工及策略聯盟方式,降低成本,擴大經濟規模。本研究也針對原料藥產業界所提建議如下。(1)持續研發及創新,拓展代理商通路;(2)策略聯盟,整合行銷中心;(3)與國際大廠合作,促進產業國際化;(4)強化資訊系統,加強風險控管,使企業永續發展。Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) provides the source for medical pharmaceutical production. The worldwide API market is altogether worth approximately 40-50 billion but Taiwan's share is less than 1% of the market. This makes it obvious that under government promotion there is lots of room for future growth.In this research we use analytical methods to conduct a case study of Company A. In recent years, although this company has gradually expanded and matured,it has however, due to the changing circumstances in the industry, international competition, and adversary integration, had to face enormous pressure. In addition to data correlation we also explore and arrange data from secondary sources so as to find out,after analysis from all sides (domestic and international aspects), what gives this company a competitive edge. We then go a step further to inquire into what has been the key success factors and what are the most important business strategy for the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients industry,so as to furnish companies in the real world as well as academics with resource materials.We found that Company A:grasps crucial technology; stresses quality. A capacity for exploiting new products, market sensitivity, quick response to new situations, well-trained management are all key factors to success. However the current tactics are still subject to the same problems as before:lack of land as well as long-term capital, imperfect long-term investment programs, insufficient production capacity and space,high production costs, insufficient profit-making ability.From research aimed at Company A we have gleaned five suggestions for improving the functioning of the industry:(1)buy or construct an operation site, so as to master the production capacity program;(2)focus on high-tech manufacturing processes, niche markets, custom synthesis to become the distinguishing feature;(3)integrate the manufacturing and management information system,to heighten the stability of the ordering and production line procedures,to better meet market goals and conform to client needs;(4)diversify customer base and offer superior quality to better compete for market share;(5)utilize outside labor and alliance tactics to reduce the net cost of goods and enlarge the financial scale. From this research we offer the following suggestions to API industry:(1)continue research and development into new ideas and expand the utilization of commissioned merchants;(2)develop strategic alliances and an integrated sales centre;(3)collaborate with large scale conglomerates,and seek to promote and spur internationalization of the industry;(4)strengthen and consolidate the information structure,augment risk management to encourage continuous progress of the industry.