自Google於1998年成立,以嶄新且快速的搜尋引擎席捲全球並成為搜尋龍頭後,如何儲存、快速的分析巨量資料,並應用在業務拓展上,在近幾年變成炙手可熱的研究重點。藉由巨量資料分析,發展數據挖掘或商業智能,做為企業決策的參考依據已成為各大企業必備的技能。 但面對科技的創新,這樣的技術是否被壟斷,以及與巨量資料息息相關的「資料開放運動」,將對社會帶來什麼樣的影響,是本文的研究重點。故本文以社會開放的角度為出發點,並用經濟學的思維來討論巨量資料興起;同時,在產業經濟學中,與開放性密切相關的便是人皆能買、人皆能賣的「垂直分工」特色,以及因為垂直分工之進入門檻低,衍生出我國中小企業多、平均規模較小的經濟體系,故在巨量資料的浪潮下,將對垂直分工及中小企業帶來什麼樣的影響,也一併予以探討。 本文將指出由巨量資料興起衍生出的政府資料開放運動將有助於實現直接民主之意涵,以及因為技術面不具壟斷之特性,故因而蓬勃發展;另外巨量資料分析將有助於廠商強化核心技術及提高競爭力,將有助垂直分工之發展,但是否因此改變產業組織,仍尚待觀察;以及中小企業在發展巨量資料上將面臨資金、技術、人才及資料量等困難,但仍可善用相關資源以因應激烈的市場競爭。 ;Since Google, the bellwether of searching engine, established in 1998, the way of data storage and analysis in developing business has became a big shot. It is indispensable to enterprises to make business decision by analyzing big data, developing data mining or business intelligence.
This thesis presents how big data influences the society, and how big data rises from the point of Economy. The vertical disintegration phenomenon in industrial Economics derives small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and the way of big data influences SMEs will be discussed in this thesis as well.
This thesis indicates that big data is helpful to the government to put direct democracy into practice. The analysis of big data strengthens the core technology and makes companies more competitive. It accelerates the vertical disintegration, but if it changes the industial chain is still in the air. Although SMEs face the difficulties of budget, technology, human resource in developing big data, they can still react to the volatile market by using related sources.