即時通訊軟體在職場上的應用,不只代表了資訊可被隨時更新和即時參與的便利性,也促使我們必須面臨嶄新的溝通工具與應用情境。新科技的發展和應用理應是要助工作更有效率的完成,而非造成反效果。管理實務上,建議組織和管理者在使用新型態的溝通工具進行工作管理和溝通時,應避免將傳統的溝通模式和觀念套用到新溝通工具上,要求員工對工作當責並完成任務應比「已讀不回」更為重要。保留回覆時間的彈性,培養信任與尊重的部屬關係將會有助於組織溝通效能和良好的職場關係。;This study examines the influence of LINE APP on both organizational communication effectiveness and team cohesion. I also apply work stress as moderator exploring the moderating effect between organizational communication effectiveness and team cohesion.Samples were collected from various cities and professions in Taiwan with 353 valid questionnaires retrieved.
By hierarchical regression analysis, results shows that LINE APP implementation is positively related to both organizational communication effectiveness and team cohesion. And work stress moderates the relationship between LINE APP implementation and organizational communication effectiveness: that is, LINE APP implementation would weaken organizational communication effectiveness when work stress increases.
The implementation of instant messengers in working places not only means information updating and instant participation, but also means its context-contingent implementation. Therefore, in managerial implication, it is suggested that we should avoid trapping in traditional communicating mode when applying new types of communicating tools to manage employees. That is, keeping flexibility of times to reply messages, being responsible for tasks, building trust and respect with employees would be helpful in organizational communication effectiveness and relations.