本研究主要在探討企業轉型前,需先重新檢視原有產品專案管理流程,並思考新產品的特性,透過評估、分析後找出適用於新開發及現有產業的專案管理體制。除了藉由專案管理的方法,探討產業之間的產品開發作業模式,以及生產流程差異外,還運用企業資訊平台(EIP)將資訊整合在相同界面上,並導入系統資訊化,以期在跨足新開發產業上,能更有系統、更快速的掌握重點;並以個案公司獲得驗證,冀望此系統建立後,應用在各種不 同類型的產品開發上,皆得以使用此系統加快研發時程,對於未來企業轉型能夠有所助益。 ;In a low profit and highly competitive industrial environment, business model has been transferred from traditional to global model. Many enterprises start to think how to keep growing without affected by adverse circumstances. Enterprise transformation and expansion is one of the solutions, but not all of the enterprises could get result as well as expected. Establish an effective management system which could let different kind of productions applied is essential.
This study focus on establish new production management system which could adapt to new and original production, by review and analysis original production management process and find out new production characteristic. Moreover, in order to have real-time monitoring, this study apply new production management system into EIP. Eventually, through the experiences of implementing product project management system from this case, hope to take this system could suitable for different kind of new production development and could also speed up development period which help for enterprise transformation.