IC載板或稱IC基板,為IC裝構重要的零組件,主要功能為承載IC做為載體之用,並以IC載板內部線路連接晶片與印刷電路板(PCB之間的)訊號,其占封裝製程35%~55%成本,其主要功能在保護電路、固定線路與產生散熱途徑以保護IC,是封裝製程中的關鍵零件。由於科技的進步,IC愈趨精密,要發揮極致產品的功能,就需要精密封裝技術及良好效能的IC載板。 在IC載板製程中,會因各種的因素導致在金面上汙染或微量異物殘留,除了外觀上的影響(金表面偏黃或異色)也會降低可焊性及後續封裝製程,最終影響產品的良率及可靠度。 本研究即對於載板在防焊製程後段的電漿清潔程序中,原設定為使用清潔表現較好的水平電漿機,但因水平電漿機產能滿載,所以針對直立式電漿機,使用實驗計畫法,在符合直立式電漿機機台設定及製程參數規格內,運用水滴接觸角的角度判定,找出等同或超越水平式電漿機之清潔能力的的氣體含量配置,期能在暫不花費預算增購水平電漿機的情況下,解決水平式電漿機產能滿載的現況。 ;IC substrates are the critical interface between the semiconductor chip and the conductive component carrier they rest on. IC substrates serve as the connection between IC chip (s) and the PCB through a conductive network of traces and holes. IC substrates support critical functions including circuit support and protection, heat dissipation, and signal and power distribution. From cost performance point of view, IC substrate accounts for about 35% - 55% of the total cost of IC package process. Along with the development of scientific and technological progress, IC packages become increasingly complex. Optimum performance of the product may need IC substrates, which are efficient and precise. It will cause pollution or foreign objects left on the surface during the IC substrate fabrication due to a variety of factors. Not only it results in an unacceptable cosmetic defect, but also reduces solderability to affect the reliability and the performance of the product. This study aims to plasma- cleaning treatment performances on vertical plasma cleaner. In this study we attempt to optimize the gas settings of vertical plasma cleaner with DOE (Design of Experiment). This is meant to solve the problem, which the production line is fully booked by using horizontal plasma cleaner.