摘要: | 全球化浪潮崛起的同時,產業不再是企業與企業間的競爭,而已經轉變成供應鏈與供應鏈間的競賽。如何最適化建立與原物料供應商的長期夥伴關係,是當下各個企業努力之方向。以往,衡量供應商績效的指標,多以品質、交期、價格…等基礎構面,作為決策的依據。但是,每個產業所處的環境不盡相同,所重視之評量準則亦有所不同,要如何建構出一個符合產業特性之評量模式,是每個企業追求之目標。 本研究係針對防焊油墨製造業進行研究,根據文獻探討與前測問卷分析之結果,建構出合適之化學原物料供應商評選模式。同時將以價格、品質、交期、技術支援,以及服務共五個構面與其延伸之二十四項準則為研究對象,運用Saaty於1971年所提出之層級分析法作為供應商評選之基礎,分析各項評量構面與評估指標之相對權重值與重要性排序。 研究結果顯示,個案公司在評選化學原物料供應商時,最重視之評量構面為 「品質」,其次依序為「交期」、「價格」、「技術支援」、「服務」,而「品質」構面占整體權重高達54.15%,原因在於防焊油墨為一「均質」的產品,由於是經過充分混合的商品,故其幾乎無法進行重工製程,所以一旦發生品質上的問題,可能造成整批產品的報廢。 本研究之結果,期望可提供企業在評選化學原物料供應商時,較客觀之決策參考;亦可作為供應商優先改善其能力之依據。 ;With the rise of globalization, competition between industries is not just enterprises and enterprises, it has been transformed into supply chain and supply chain. Establishing long-term partnerships with raw material suppliers is the direction of the current efforts of various enterprises. In the past, companies use the quality, delivery, price and other basic dimensions as a measure of supplier performance indicators. However, with different industrial environments, companies’ guidelines for assessment are not the same. Constructing a pattern consistent with the characteristics of the industry assessment is the goal of every business. In this study, the subjects were solder mask manufacturing. According to the results of literature review and analysis of the pre-test questionnaire, construct a suitable supplier of chemical raw materials selection mode. Using the five dimensions (price, quality, delivery, technical support, and services) and its extending criteria (twenty-four criteria) for the study. At the same time, using AHP (Saaty, 1971) as a basis for the selection of suppliers, analyze the relative weights of the order of importance of the assessment and evaluation index of facets. The results show that assessment the most important facet of the case company is "quality". Next is ordered by "delivery", "price", "technical support", "Service". The quality facet account the overall weight of up to 54.15%, due to the solder mask as a "homogeneous" products. Because it is well mixed after commodity, so it is almost impossible to carry out heavy processes. Once the problem occurs on quality, may cause the entire batch of scrap. The results of this study, expect to provide enterprise in the selection of chemical raw materials suppliers, the more objective of the decision-making; also as a supplier on the basis of its ability to improve the priority. |