該研究為開發脆弱性和恢復能力的評估框架的方法,得到脆弱性,韌性和災害敏感性指標的發展。Analytic Hierarchy Process整合定性和定量來評估維度和子維度的脆弱性和抗禦能力指數的相對權重的貢獻。該評估模型應用於其中,脆弱性和恢復的指標分配依據其脆弱性和韌性在選定的社區貢獻分數。彈性脆弱的比率計算為研究區域的災害敏感性指數。結果表明社會層面和經濟層面的標準對於脆弱性和抗禦能力指數是最重要。這些結果進一步表明,Georgetown對災害最敏感和脆弱而Layou地區是最不敏感。Marriaqua社區被確定為具有高度韌性;The study develops an assessment framework methodology for vulnerability and resilience, leading to the development of Vulnerability, Resilience and Disaster Susceptibility Indices. The Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to integrate qualitative and quantitative assessment in determining relative weight contribution of dimensions and sub-dimensions criteria to the Vulnerability and Resilience Indices. The assessment model was applied study areas where indicators of Vulnerability and Resilience were assigned scores based on their contribution to vulnerability and resilience in selected communities. The Disaster Susceptibility Index was calculated as the reciprocal of the ratio of resilience to vulnerability. The results showed that social dimension and the economic dimension criteria were most important to the Vulnerability and Resilience Indices respectively. The results further revealed that the Community of Georgetown was the most vulnerable (0.51) and susceptible (0.52) to disasters, while the community of Layou was least susceptible (0.26). The Marriaqua Community was determined to possess the highest level of resilience (1.22).