摘要: | 在企業社會責任與招募成效的領域上,過去研究多聚焦於對求職者吸引力進行探討,僅以求職第一階段探討。而本研究將以求職者投遞履歷意願與接受聘書意願為依變數,在企業社會責任是否與招募成效之關聯性;並進一步瞭解企業社會責任與求職者之求職意願之關係。 本研究以104年度大三、大四、碩一與碩二應屆畢業生為研究對象,發放網路問卷120份與紙本問卷400份,共發放520份問卷,有效樣本數為421份。並以迴歸分析發現內部企業社會責任或外部企業社會責任皆與求職者吸引力、求職者投遞履歷意願,甚至求職者接受聘書意願有正向關聯性。 ;Most of previous studies of Recruiting Effectiveness only focused on the job seeker’ intention. In Recruitment three stages, we tried to find out the potential positive relationship between CSR and Organizational Attractiveness, Job Pursuit Intentions and offer. Thus, this study investigates the link between CSR and Recruiting Effectiveness whether the CSR implementation can influence the Job seeker’s intention. By using online questionnaire 120 and paper survey 400, there are 421 feasible questionnaires returned. Through the result of logistic regression analysis, We found that CSR implementation positivity influence the Organizational Attractiveness, even Job Pursuit Intentions and offer Intentions. |