本研究期能透過採用較為宏觀的Porter(1990)鑽石模型為理論基礎,探討我 國烘焙業者如何透過「要素條件」、「需求條件」、「關聯性產業之配合度或 競爭力」、「廠商策略/結構/競爭」、「政府」等構面分析瞭解如何創造競爭 優勢策略及經營績效。本研究經由問卷的發放與蒐集,針對烘焙產業相關從業 人員或政府相關機關人員之施測結果進行敘述性統計、信效度分析及相關分析 之實證結果發現,專家評估廠商策略、結構和同業競爭;對於競爭優勢之組成 ;最具關鍵影響性,並提出管理及研究建議,如:烘焙產業應強化生產要素之 培育、運用與管理並且與市場風向俱變;此外,企業與關聯性產業的資源整合 ,對於競爭策略未必具備正面效益。;This study takes clustering perspective – the Michael Porter’s diamond model (input factor condition, industrial structure and competition, supporting industries and demand condition) to investigate the relationship among these factors and impacts on the upgrading of competitiveness and operational performance. Survey was taken from Taiwan, by different stores in the survey were used to see which ones the consumers desire the most. This research has found and shown what are needed in order to improve the sales volume for the bakery stores are facing these days, and the roles that are played by the government and the competitors. Especially the industrial structure and competition, they contend your business strategy effects. That makes them the protagonist of it all. Every enterprise has its pros and cons. However, when it comes to increasing their sales volume and development, industrial structure and competition is strongly suggested in order to give out better ideas and advice.