在製造產業中,晶圓代工已從舊有的封閉式垂直整合,解構為一開放式水平分工的生態系統,更進而發展成一矽智財供應商、無晶圓廠IC設計公司與晶圓代工廠等革命性供應鏈的新創經營模式;其中矽智財供應商的產品質整合之績效管理將佔有不可或缺的重要一環。然而,面臨矽智財供應商各家制度管理不同,案例公司驗證中心平台除了關注於矽智財技術規格品質管理以及具體驗證標準流程外,卻經常忽略了對其管理評估績效指標的建立。 本研究將以群體集思廣益的方式作出一目標架構,再根據案例管理矽智財供應商與客戶和代工廠互動績效建立其關聯性。首先,依據品質系統、交期時程、服務溝通、合作夥伴四構面,研究擬十五項評估準則。並針對案例公司現行各項措施,結合相關產業和文獻回顧因應之策略。再加上群體意見擬出可以改善目前案例公司評估矽智財供應商品質整合等方面的績效指標。接著,以專家意見問卷方式,利用AHP層級分析法得到各項評估準則之相對重要度,進行分析得到各項績效指標權重關係。最後,再以案例公司進行驗證本研究之信任度,建構出一套矽智財供應商品質整合之績效管理指標層級架構。 本研究結果發現,專家意見一致認定以品質系統構面(40.7%)為供應商必須最為重視,其次為交期時程構面(25.9%)、服務溝通構面(17.4%)以及合作夥伴構面(15.9%)。從案例公司實例驗證進行績效評估結果與2013年案例公司實際結果相近,且更能有效性發揮敏感度分析其績效指標提出改善方案措施,可證實本研究用於建構評估矽智財供應商品質整合績效的可行度。 ;IC industry make progress in Foundry to an eco-system with open and horizontal collaboration from an original structure of closed and vertical integration, and then create a new business model which is a revolutionary supply chain constructed by IP supplier, fab-less IC design house and IC foundry. However because of different management system although verification center platform focuses on the standard process of silicon intellectual property technical quality certification in this case, they also often neglect management performance evaluation index. This research is to realize the relevance of overall business performance on Silicon IP by using brainstorming methodology. First, I elaborate 15 evaluation rules from quality systems, delivery time, service communication and partnership these four facets. I also proposed viable option from the existing Si IP system in this company, strategies mentioned in the literature, group brainstorming, questionnaire survey and combining industrial experts’ advice. And then we can get the relative importance of the evaluation criteria from the use of AHP to analyze the relationship of performance indicators among all index weightings. Then verify the credibility of this study from the real situation of this company to construct a hierarchical structure for performance index of Si IP suppliers. The research found that the expert consensus recognized quality system (40.7%), delivery time (25.9%), services communication (17.4 percent) and partnership (15.9%). The instance of verification compare favorably with the real situation。Then verify the credibility of this study will provide improved and increased feasibility.