傳統藝術是與時推移的,因傳統藝術本紮根於生活,是民間生活藝術之美,先民薪傳文化之源。現因社會環境急遽變遷,致昔日流傳於民間的傳統音樂、民俗技藝,快速地沒落、流失。因此,各地民族音樂專家學者們,無不積極地挖掘民間珍寶,期能將民間傳統藝術永久保存與發揚。 目前臺灣傳統藝術最主要的傳承核心為「藝師」,民間老藝人逐漸老邁凋零,使得蘊藏著豐富文化精神與內涵之民間傳統音樂與技藝,正面臨斷層現象,珍貴且意義深遠流長的民間傳統藝術,恐因藝師凋零而消失。故積極發掘客家民間藝師,將客家傳統藝師的精湛藝術、技能,作完整記錄保存,並作長期有系統、有計畫的推廣傳習,珍貴的客家傳統文化藝術,才能世代永續相傳。 本文以一位33年來堅持不懈,致力推動臺灣客家傳統音樂藝術傳承的工作者,臺灣中青代客家藝師「賴仁政」為研究對象。以賴仁政的客家音樂藝能為本文研究核心,期能勾勒出賴仁政的客家音樂才華。也透過此研究,一併印證客家山歌旋律與調型的一致性,讓更多的人對客家傳統音樂的價值及傳統藝術深層之意義有更深入的瞭解。 藉由賴仁政的客家新思維分享,帶給大家新的視野與想法,因為真正的「傳統」不是一成不變的,過份拘泥傳統而與時代、生活脫節,恐難發揮藝術的功能。如果能尊重傳統、維繫傳統根本之精神與意義,讓文化傳統隨著時代演變而豐富,更符合時代需求,傳統藝術的價值更能彰顯。 ;Traditional art changes over time. Since it originates from people′s everyday life, traditional art is the ancestry of culture. Due to rapid change of today′s world, traditional music and arts has not been able to be kept to their most original form. Therefore, culture music scholars from worldwide have been working vigorously in order to cultivate cultural gems. As artisans are the key to preserve traditional arts in Taiwan, the diminish of professionals have led the pass down of music and arts much more difficult, resulting in the vanish of valuable and meaningful traditional culture. Therefore, in order to pass down Hakka culture for the future generations, it is important to cultivate artisans and their craftsmanship from Hakka culture and to preserve their skills with long-term plans. The essay discusses Lai Ren Jen, a scholar who has been working to preserve Hakka traditional culture for 33 years, and the main theme of this research is based on his music talent. Through the research, it demonstrate the consistency of Hakka music melody and its tone, hoping more people can understand and appreciate the value of traditional Hakka music and culture. Through Lai Ren Jen′s new thinking, the essay wishes to bring a new point of view for all people. The real "tradition" is not rigid nor far from today′s world. The value of arts can only be conserved and acknowledged over time when the spirit and meaning of culture is well respected.